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"What? The wedding will be tomorrow?"

"Yes, and it will be a close-knit ceremony. Just your parents and mine."

"Can you just not invite my parents? I don't want any drama."

"I can't do that, sweetheart. Who will do your kanyadaan if I don't invite your parents?"

Aadhya sighed deeply,"We can do a Christian style wedding. It's more easy and I won't have to wear that heavy lehenga."

"You don't have to if you don't want to. You can wear a simple dress and I'd still marry you."

"I won't."

"I know."

"I hate you."

"I know."

"No, you don't know anything. Stop saying 'I know' every time I state something." She shook her head and laid on the bed, thinking about how her life changed so suddenly from being free to locked up in a cage.

She did not deserve any of this, nobody did. She never wanted such selfish parents. She never wanted a cold-hearted jerk as her husband. She never wanted a bitchy mother-in-law.

But if she was given a choice to live her life again, she wouldn't want to change anything because then she couldn't have possibly met Pallavi.

"Why do you want to marry me?"

"I told you—"

"No. I want the real reason."

"That is the real reason, love."

"I don't believe you."

He gazed at her with his cold eyes and then got back to his laptop without bothering to reply.

"I had a date, you know. The day I came here. He must have thought that I stood him up. I feel so bad. Thinking that someone stood you up is the worst feeling ever, but then again, you wouldn't know. His highness has never been stood up before, right?"

"Who was the guy?"


"The name of the guy, love?"


"Just tell me."

She looked at him and shook her head before getting up from the bed. Before she could take a step, he held her hand and pulled her.

Due to the sudden movement, she stumbled and landed just beside him. He put a hand above her head and hovered over her, making her extremely terrified of the position.

"Wh-what are you doing?"


She looked at his eyes and tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge no matter how hard she tried.

"How many people have you dated after we got divorced?"

"That's none of your business."

"Everything you do, is my business. So, tell me yourself before I find it out."

"Why do you care?"

"You are my wife. Of course, I care."


"Will be." He smirked and came closer to her.

"Without my will."

He shrugged and pecked her lips and forehead before leaving her all alone in the spacious room.

"Please, God, just cancel this wedding. I don't want to marry him." She mumbled before sleep took over her.


My Sadistic Husband Where stories live. Discover now