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Arhaan tried his best to do whatever he could to impress his indifferent wife.

He planned different outings at different places, arranged their breakfast and dinner every single day, gave flowers to her and took care of her like a real husband.

And, as much as she hated to admit it, she loved every bit of his attention. And because of this she hated herself more than she hated Arhaan.

She didn't want to forgive him, but she couldn't fight the temptation of forgiving him after seeing his gestures.

'Gestures? What gestures, huh? Just because he's being sweet to you for the past few days doesn't mean you will forgive him. Don't forget what he did to you for whole 2 years. Being sweet for a couple of days doesn't change that.' An annoying voice in her head spoke.

This was the scenario for the past days. A part of her wanted to forgive and move on, but another, major, part of her wanted to keep holding onto the past.

She knew what she was doing was wrong. She knew that she had to let go of the past before it killed her from the inside, but she just couldn't do it. It wasn't so easy to forget about the horrendous things he had done.

She kept thinking about the consequences of her actions in the past month that had already passed with him trying to be a perfect gentleman.

Now, she only had to survive 3 more months before she could finally free herself from his grasp.

But, for some unknown reason, she felt sad thinking that she would have to leave him and Pallavi.

She shouldn't feel this way, not after all the things he had done.

'But that was in the past. See on the positive side now. He changed because of you. He changed for you. You should be happy that he is trying to mend things between you both, unlike you.'

The battle between her rational side and emotional side exhausted her mentally and physically.

She sighed and got up from the bed to stretch up a bit.

She hadn't moved out of the bed since morning because she was busy thinking about a certain someone.

And in all this ruckus, she forgot about her son.

She gasped and fled from the room like a madwoman, thinking of different ways to apologize.

But when she reached near her son's room, she noticed his father sitting near him.

"What are you guys doing?"

"How are you feeling now, mumma? Papa told me that you were sick." Aayansh looked at his mother with his cute eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I am quite fine, thanks to your understanding." She smiled and looked at Arhaan who grinned at her.

She averted her gaze from his tall frame before sitting on the other side of Aayansh.

"What are you guys doing?" She repeated her question.

"Oh, we were just talking about random things." Arhaan replied.

"Oh? What random things?"

"Just our likes and dislikes. Nothing else."

"Really?" She asked suspiciously.

"Really." He rolled his eyes with a stupid grin etched on his handsome face.

"Mumma, I want to go out. So, papa told me that he will take me to the park."

She looked at her husband dubiously. Arhaan, who was fussing over taking Aayansh to the park not long ago, was now taking him out on his own will?

"Really, now? Your father will take you out?" She raised her brow and looked at Arhaan like he was stupid.

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