4. Am I in trouble?

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Jungkook's POV

After one hour we all gathered there and were about to start the shoot in 10 minutes but it was like the time stopped for me again when I saw her again, but this time without a MASK.

I looked at those beautiful eyes which were in my mind since yesterday.

She was standing a few feet away from me with another staff member.

She was almost 5'6" tall, had beautiful long black silky wavy hair, beautiful round black eyes, a sharp nose and perfect red lips... overall an angelic face with a fair tone.  She is looking very innocent, pious yet strong.

My legs went automatically towards her. She was talking with Bit Na noona. Her voice was so beautiful just like her. Just by looking at her, one can tell that she is not Korean yet she was speaking Korean very fluently.

I was walking towards her and was just a few inches away from her when Jimin hyung came and dragged me towards PD Nim as he wanted to discuss something with us. 

She didn't see me coming towards her because she was talking very attentively with Bit Na noona.


We were shooting and I got to know that her work was to focus her camera on me. I got excited as she was looking at me, although just because of her work. But who cares, as long as her eyes are on me.

Shooting ended well and we wrapped up for this RUN BTS episode. Now we can rest for one week as we don't have any work scheduled for a week.

But I was sad because it means I won't be able to see her for one week. That's why I decided to talk to her today.

I started looking for her but couldn't find her on the set. Maybe she went to the restroom. So I thought I should wait here on the set. For the next fifteen minutes, I talked with hyungs and PD Nim but she didn't come back.

I sighed and looked down.

V hyung saw my sad expression and asked, "Ya jungkooka what's the matter bro. You look upset."

I tried smiling and told him that it's nothing but failed. So I thought I should share my thoughts with him. I told him everything and he was amused. The next words he said made me shocked.

"Jungkook, you are in big trouble. I think you fell for her."

"Wh-what!! N-no hyung. It's not like that. I think y-you are mistaken." I said stammering.

He just smiled and left after patting my shoulder.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked myself in my mind  and sighed. "No way" I whispered to myself.


It's almost 8 in the night when I came back. I ate my dinner with Jimin and Jin hyung as other hyungs had plans for dinner.

Usually I like being at home but for the past few days I have this feeling that I have never felt.

Aah! I think I am being paranoid. I should workout. Yeah, it will take my mind away from these unknown feelings.

I changed into my workout outfit and went towards the gym which is on 7th floor. Yeah this building has its own gym and pool. Well, the pool is exclusively for me as it's on the last floor which is owned by my father. Yeah, my father own this whole 13th floor so nobody has the permission to come on this floor.


After almost two hours, I came back. Oh! I love exercising. I took my jacket and t-shirt off of me and was about to go towards the washroom to take a shower when I heard a loud scream from outside. And when I said a loud, it was indeed a very loud scream.

As soon as I got out of my home in a panic mode, someone hugged me or should I say jumped on me. I was shocked as hell.

That someone was a girl.

A scared girl freaking jumped on me out of nowhere and she was literally trembling.

I heard loud heartbeats but didn't know whose heartbeats it were. Her rosemary scent was beginning to intoxicate my mind.

A few minutes later when she calmed down, she started looking up and the moment our eyes locked with each other, I froze.

"It's her"


Hi guys I really hope you liked this chapter. I know it's short but I will try and in the next chapters I will write more. Please comment and tell me whether you guys are enjoying this story or not.
Borahae ARMY and BTS.💜

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