14. Angry

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Jungkook's POV -

"Ya Jungkookie. I have to go back to office as it's urgent. So you're gonna feed her." She ordered me.

"WHAT!!" I literally shouted and looked at her as if she has grown two horns on her head.

"What WHAT...huh? I know you heard me the first time. You know I don't like to repeat myself...YA! I am going out and you gonna feed her...Is that clear?!!!" She shouted and ordered me.

I quickly nodded my head out of fear and looked down, as her angry eyes can kill anyone right now.

She looked between me and Rooh for the last time and went out.

"Umm... it's okay you don't need to do that.... I can manage myself" she said in a low voice and started eating her food but failed.

I looked at her hand and then at her face. Although I am angry at her for not telling me the truth but I can't see her struggling, so I thought I should feed her. But I am going to give her a silent treatment for her mistake.

I picked up her spoon and started feeding her. I know she is looking at me but I will not look at her. Although I am dying to look in those beautiful eyes but I will control myself as I can't lose within a few seconds.

After finishing our food I cleaned her table as she can't do that with only one hand.

"Hey... I am truly sorry. I promise I will not do this again. Please talk to me" she held my hand and tried to calm me but right now I will not listen to her as I am 'the stubborn Jungkook'.

I quietly went to the door without replying to her plead and went out of her house.

"I am sorry for doing this but this time it was your fault Rooh." I whispered while entering my home.


Rooh's POV -

I looked at him when he was leaving. I know this time it's my fault. I should have told him about my accident. I am sorry Jungkook for hurting you. I think I should give him some time.

*In the evening*

I saw the trashbin was full and needs to be disposed off. I tried to take the trashbag out with my one hand but it was difficult for me. Still I tried. And dragged it out of my house with difficulty. I have to put that in the big trash bin outside my apartment where we put our trash and later the janitors will take it from there. But I wasn't able to do it.

Just then the elevator door opens and Jungkook came out in his workout outfit drenched in sweat. He was wiping sweat from his neck with his towel.

Damn! I was staring at him and he was looking so hot when he was just wiping the sweat. It was like he was shooting for the towel. I was so engrossed at looking at him that I didn't notice that he was also looking at me.

He cleared his throat to get me out of my thoughts and it worked. I quickly moved my eyes from him.

A few seconds later, without saying anything he took the trashbag out of my hand and helped me disposing that off.

I thanked him. He was about to leave when I held his hand. He stopped but didn't move. His back was facing me.

"Look I know I made a huge...no... a terrible mistake and I am really really really sorry for that. You can shout at me, get angry at me but please don't ignore me." I pleaded.

But he stayed silent.

I then walk towards him to face him. He still was not looking at me and I was still holding his hand.

I always get this strange feeling whenever I touch him but I shrugged that thought away.

"Jungkook please... I am sorry. I will never do this again. Please... please" I was about to cry when he looked at me.

"You promise you will never do this again?" He asked which made my face lit up and I instantly replied," Pinky promise" and extended my little finger to seal our promise.

He looked at my hand and for the first time today he smiled and sealed our deal with his little finger.

"Thank you so much. Umm...Do you want to eat something?" I asked him.

"Yes sure but after I take a shower."

"Okay tell me what you want to eat and I will order it and in the meantime you go and take a shower."

"Spicy Fried chicken"

"Okay I'll go and order it for you and something veg for me."

He smiled and went to his home.

I am relieved that he is not angry anymore. I can't lose a few friends that I have.

I also went back and ordered the food. I sat on the couch closing my eyes but the moment I closed my eyes, the same moment repeated in my mind when he came out of the elevator looking hot. I quickly opened my eyes. God why am I having these kinds of thoughts about him.

No no no I can't. He's my friend and a freaking idol. I can't fangirl over him.

To distract myself I started surfing the internet.

30 minutes later, my door bell rang and it was Jungkook standing in front of me with that famous bunny smile on his face. He entered and went to the kitchen to bring plates.

"So how was your trip?" I asked while sitting on the dining table.

"It was good but tiring. But I enjoyed it because of my fans. They were so cheerful and it was good to meet them after so long."

His eyes lit up whenever he talks about his fans. I smiled at him. Just then the doorbell rang and he went to take our food.

He served the food on two plates.

"Come on let me feed you first."

"No Jungkook I will eat it on my own." It's so embarrassing for me. I can't let him feed me again.

"Oh please. There's no argument about this. Do you want me to call Bit Na noona?"

"Don't you dare. She will kill me."

He laughed. Oh my God his laughter is so cute.

He started feeding me and I think my cheeks turn red. Not because Jungkook is feeding me but because a guy is feeding me and I am not used to this as I was never in a relationship.

"Oh so you are thinking about having a relationship with him? That's fast girl!"

'Ya! How can you came back at this moment. Shoo shoo go go.' damn you my subconscious voice.

While feeding me, he stayed still for a few moments and was staring at me. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking why he was looking at me like that. And then he started slowly moving towards me. I became self conscious as now his face is literally few inches away from mine.


Hi guys I hope you like my work. Sorry I am busy with my exams that's why I am updating so late. Please comment and tell me your suggestions. I don't know you guys are liking my book or not. But I will try my best to write good. Enjoy.


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