36. Nightmares

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She laughed out and came towards me and looked straight into my eyes and said, "I. DON'T. LOVE. YOU. YOU IDIOT!!!"

And I came out of this nightmare.

I was sweating profusely.

I have been having this dream since she left.

Whenever I think about her, I get this nightmare.

"How can I still think about her. How...after all this betrayal. How can I!!" I shouted and grabbed my hair in frustration.

I have to get rid of her memories. But how?

"Hyung... I can't forget her... Hyung... I-I don't know what to do" I called Taehyungie Hyung.

"Shh...jungkooka. Don't cry. I am coming over right now." Hyung was paniced because of my crying in the middle of the night.

"Hyung... whenever I closed my eyes, I see her. Each and every corner of my house reminds me of her. I-I..." I sniffed trying to control my tears.

"Don't worry... I am on my way. Just drink some water and by that time I will be there, okay?" He said. His house is literally ten minutes away from mine.

I nodded and drank some water.

Exactly five minutes later he came rushing into my room and the moment I saw him, I couldn't control myself and I cried. He hugged me.


I hugged him and he cried in my arms like a baby. Oh god! I can't see my kook like this. I patted his back and tried to calm him down. After sometime, we broke the hug and Jungkook was not crying anymore.

"I am sorry hyung to disturb you at this hour", he said looking down.

"Ya! If I was in this position, you would have came too, right. And we are brothers, so don't you dare to say something like this again." I replied.

We both are silent now. I decided to ask the most dreaded questions I wanted to ask him for quite some time.

"Jungkooka... Why can't you forget her? Do you still love her?" I finally asked him.

He looked into my eyes and said," I seriously don't know hyung. Maybe...or maybe not... I-I don't know. But one thing I know is that.... I... I just can't forget her betrayal. I can't forget that day when she told me all of this was a lie. It was as if she left her prints on my heart and how many times I tried to erase her memories, they came back in a very painful way. I... I don't know hyung... I don't know what to do" he cried again and hugged me.

"Shh... It's okay to not to forget someone whom you loved for more than two years. It's okay to hate her. And it's totally okay not to be okay. I am here. All the hyungs are here for you. Our family is here for us. We have our ARMY too. We don't need anyone else. Right?" I said feeling his pain. Watching him like this is hurting me too.

He hummed.

We talked for some more time and then he fall asleep.

I decided to talk about all this with hyungs in the morning.

I think this house is reminding him of her too much.

Oh my poor Jungkook, I am so sorry for not protecting you.


"Hyung...we need to do something about this." I told everyone.

We all are at our practice room except jungkook. He is with Pdogg hyung right now.

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