44. Ian

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I turned to look back and I was shocked as hell to see what was there on the wall.

And when I was still in shock, I heard the main door opened and there she was... standing in front of me... looking at me...in shock.


There were a lots of photos on that wall.

There were photos of Rooh with all of us... me, hyungs, Bit Na noona; some with Rooh and her parents; some in which she was with my family; one where Bit Na noona was hugging Rooh side by side and a few where I was with her, in between there were a lots of photos of her baby with her and a big photo where I back hugged Rooh and she was blushing. All in all, the wall was full of our memories and her kid.

In short, there was not a single photo of her husband on that wall.

Did that bastard left her? If he did, I will hunt him down and will kill him.

She was looking at me this whole time when I was looking at the wall in front of me.

But then her eyes fell on Ajumma's leg and she rushed towards her.

"What happened, Ajumma? Are you alright?" She panicked.

"I am totally fine. It's just a sprain. And it doesn't hurt that much. I went for a walk with baby Ian but sprained my leg. But these guys helped me." Ajumma told her while gesturing towards us.

But I didn't hear anything beyond the word Ian.

Her baby's name is Ian.

But that was supposed to be m-my stage name before I chose my own name. Ian. But why did she...?

Ugh! All of this is so confusing and the only person who can answer my questions is her.

As I was about to say something, the door bell rang.

She got up and went towards the door.

Ian was still with Hobi Hyung and hyung was looking at me in confusion.

Half a minute later, she came back but all of my hyungs were there standing behind her.

"Hyung! What are you guys doing here?", I asked. They all were shocked to see me and Hobi Hyung there.

"Jungkooka, you went for a walk, right? Then why are you here." Jin hyung asked.

I told them my reason and asked why are they here.

Namjoon hyung sighed and said," we needed answers from her." And I understood, they are here for me no doubt. Oh I love them.

Now we all are facing her to get our answers.

I motioned my hyungs to look at the wall and they did. Everyone except Yoongi hyung had a shocking expression. I think he already had the idea. He must have came here earlier. He's a curious cat, you know.

"Umm... I think I should go back to my home." Ajumma said.

Wait! She is not her mother-in-law?

"No Ajumma. You don't have anyone to look after. You can stay here for today." Rooh told her.

"Okay then. I am tired. So I will go inside to take some rest." She said. I helped her and took her inside a room. I know she is giving us some privacy.

When I was near the door to go back, she said, "Listen to her properly... without any grudge." And I somehow nodded.

All the hyungs are now sitting on the couch.

Namjoon hyung spoke first. "Care to tell us what the hell is going on?" He was angry.

She looked down at her lap and when she looked up... for the first time after so long, I saw the same Rooh whom I loved from the bottom of my heart.

She looked at me with love, sadness, pain, and with so much emotions. But I moved my eyes away from her because I don't want to get a betrayal from the same girl again.

She composed herself and said, "You can ask anything oppa. I think it's time to give you guys all the answers."

"It's Mr. Namjoon for you...not oppa." He deadpanned. She looked hurt but hid her expressions very well. But I still noticed.

"Did you ever left Korea after the break up?" Yoongi hyung asked.

Wait why is he asking this type of question. Of course, She left to meet her bo-boyfriend.

"No" she simply answered looking down. And I was shocked. But why?

Everyone was shocked except Yoongi and Namjoon hyung.

I have a feeling that they know more than me. But how?

"Why did you broke Jungkook's heart?", Jimin hyung asked looking dead serious. The one who hated her the most after what she did to me were Jimin and Jin hyung...even more than me.

"I h-had to." She said.

She freaking had to! But why.

Ugh! I am going crazy now.

"What do you mean you had to? Is that some kind of joke to you?" Jimin hyung is angry now.

"I can't tell you the reason." She said.

"Are you fuckin' serious right now!", Jin hyung who hates to curse, cursed.

"If you are not telling us because of Bang PD then don't worry. You can tell us because he told us that only you can answer our questions." Yoongi hyung said.

Bang PD... Now what does it have to do with him. Aah! My mind is about to explode because of this confusion.

"What the hell is going on? Can somebody care to tell me!" I shouted and because of which Ian started crying in Hobi Hyung's arms. And I immediately felt guilty for shouting.

She quickly stood up and took Ian in her hands and he immediately stopped crying.

I saw my members reaction and everyone glared at me.

Taehyungie Hyung was looking at Ian with so much love. Well that baby is so cute that everyone can fall in love with him at first sight. Just like I did. And yes I am talking about Ian!

We all stayed silent for a few minutes and looked at her and her baby. She was rubbing his back slowly.

Within a few minutes, the baby fell asleep and she went inside a room maybe to put him in his crib.

She came back and sat in front of us again.

"I am really sorry for whatever I did back then. But I didn't had a choice. I am really sorry for hurting you guys especially you Jungkook." She said. Pain was inflicted in her voice and she had tears in her eyes.

Jin hyung sighed and said, "Can you please tell us from the beginning?"

She wiped her tears and finally spoke, " I will. But you guys have to promise me that you will not blame Bang PD for this. I am the only one to blame for whatever I did."

Bang PD again! Agh!!


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