55. Forgiven

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"The doctor is checking on her but...she is not in a good condition... she is sinking..."

When the nurse said those words, it felt like my whole world crashed down right in front of me.

I couldn't control myself and fell down on the floor.

I don't know for how many minutes I stayed like this.

A hand touched my shoulder and I looked up. It was Namjoon hyung.

As soon as I saw him I started crying again and told them everything that happened earlier. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Shh ... it's okay she's gonna be okay. Don't worry." He tried to calm me down but I was still in chaos.

He held my hand and picked me up from the floor. I sat down on the nearest bench with my members around me.

They all were tensed just like me.

I still regret that day when I took Ian away from her. I hate myself for that and will never forgive myself.

I was in my thoughts for don't know how long. But my eyes were fixed on the door of her hospital room.

After an eternity, the door of her hospital room opened and the doctor came out with the nurse.

We all got up and went towards the doctor with hope in our eyes.

Please God don't punish her for my wrongdoings. I beg you. Please.

"Doctor how is she?" Hobi Hyung asked with nervousness.

The doctor looked at the nurse and then back at us.

"She is fine and..." he was saying but stopped in between. God, why is this doctor testing my patience. Why does he have to build up the suspense in a situation like this.

"And what doctor?" I asked desperately.

"Congratulations Mr. Jeon she is fine and she is no longer in coma. She is awake."

The moment the doctor said those words, it felt like God heard our prayers and sent my angel back to me. I never thought that a single sentence from a doctor can lighten up my world like this.

I couldn't control myself and started crying.

"Hey jungkooka...why are you crying now? Didn't you hear what the doctor said?" Jimin hyung asked with tears in his eyes.

"Ya paboya! There are happy tears. Even you have happy tears in your eyes." Taehyungie hyung replied.

"Th-thank you doctor. Thank you so much." I thanked the doctor.

He smiled and said," She is awake now so we have to run some tests. You can meet her after the tests are done, okay?"

We all nodded.

By now, Jin hyung already called my parents. They all were so happy to hear this good news and are immediately coming here with Rooh's parents and Ian.

"Jungkooka, I am so happy that finally the wait is over." Bit Na noona said smilingly.

But her smile suddenly disappeared.

"What happened noona?" I asked.

"I wonder if she will forgive us or not? I mean technically we all are responsible for this." She said and that's when I realised that she might hate me...hate us.

What if she doesn't want to live with me after all what I did to her. No...no...no. That's not possible, right?

I sighed and sat again on the bench.

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