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On Friday afternoon I meet up with Bangizwe at the office. We have plans for the night and I offered to come get him seeing I haven't been here in the longest time. Everyone thought I'd eventually change and join the family business but that's not where my calling is and luckily my entire family was understanding and supportive. I was worried about my father not accepting that I wanted something different but he was very understanding, he turned out to be my biggest supporter and I'll never forget that.

I get to the reception and greet the two ladies at the front desk. Janice tries to make small talk while her partner, Ameera giggles along. It's all cute until I cut it short and make my way up. When I get out the elevator I first see my other brother, Mduduzi and his girlfriend

"Hawu sosha, nawe ulapha?"

"Yah man, I thought of visiting today"

"That's great man. I'm not sure if you've met Refilwe"

"I have..." I'm not really sure what to make of this, I've obviously been filled in but still find it very strange and awkward that Mduduzi is dating Nkosi's ex

"It's nice to see you again, Lwazi" she says and I can't bring myself to pretend. I also know that she blackmailed Liyana and we still aren't sure if Mdu is aware of this. In a very short and straightforward sentence, I can't stand this woman.

"Uh yeah, sure. Let me catch you later bhuti, I'm looking for Zwe"

"He's in Nkosi's office, your father's old office" Mdu says and I don't miss that he didn't acknowledge ubaba as his father too. Hayi the drama in this family is too much.

I say my goodbyes and continue walking,  when I step in, they both turn to look at me

"And then wena? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm just a bit confused..."

"About?" Zwe asks.

"Sooo, uMdu vele ushaya la uNkosi ashaye khona kuqala, bese nani nathula" [So Mdu is hitting it where Nkosi hit it first and you kept quiet]

"What could we say? Mduduzi is old enough to make his own decisions and Refilwe is free to date whoever" Zwe answers.

"And wena bhuti? Uthini? The bro code doesn't bother you?" I ask Nkosi.

"Not at all, I couldn't care less if not for the fact that Refilwe can't be trusted. Otherwise, you could have her too if you wanted."

"Me? No thanks. I don't do well with demons. "

"Enough about Mdu and his witch. Uthi zkhiphan tonight? Where do you want to go, its all on me. " Zwe says with an excited smile.

"Lead the way, I just want to have lots of fun and unwind. Nkosi are you coming with?"

"I'll pass tonight, ask me again some other time."

"Still trying to get back on the madam's good books?" Zwe teases him.

"Very funny. My wife and I are good. I'm just not up for it tonight. "

"Alright ke, let us singles go and have fun." I look at Zwe.

"You're counting yourself only lapho bafo, but I'll be your wingman for the night plus you've been out of actions for a while."

"Shut up and let's go." I lead the way before he starts with his nonsense

We first head over to his house so he can change. Him and Nkosi rock suits so naturally, it could never be me. I'm all for my uniform but don't ever ask me to put on a fitted suit and tie, unless if it's really a must then I can sacrifice for a few hours but that's just about it.

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