Chapter Eighteen - The Fire

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They walked from the house in the early hours of the morning, with him carrying a picnic basket, while she carted a blanket

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They walked from the house in the early hours of the morning, with him carrying a picnic basket, while she carted a blanket. She wore a servant's dress that he'd located for her in the servant's quarters, because she'd brought so little of her own clothing. It wasn't confining and in a way, she preferred it to her usual attire. She was surprised that she could feel so relaxed knowing what awaited them.

That morning, after another rousing session of lovemaking, Hero had tried to convince Josephine to go to the village and wait for him there, but she'd brought them to this moment. She wasn't about to retreat now. He thought it would be another day or so—possibly longer—before Avendale made an appearance. Josephine wasn't certain that he'd show at all.

But she was delighted with the prospect of having a picnic with Hero.

They walked for some time before they reached a pond. While Hero spread out the blanket, she asked, "Are there fish in there?"

He stilled, looked at her, looked at the water. "I think so."

"Have you never fished in it?"

He closed his eyes, shook his head. "I don't think so. No."

"Is your head bothering you?"

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Only a bit. It'll go away."

"I wonder what makes it hurt."

"People have headaches all the time. It's nothing in particular."

"I don't."

"Then you're very fortunate."

He took her hand and helped her to sit on the blanket. She glanced around. "Are you certain we shouldn't be more alert?"

"We'll become more vigilant this evening, and I have men watching the roads. For just a bit longer, let's pretend that all is right with the world."

He poured them each some wine and removed a block of cheese from the basket.

She took a sip of wine. "Do you want to hear something silly?"

Leaning over, he gave her a quick kiss. "I'd never consider you silly."

"It could just be wishful thinking, but I don't think Mabel would find fault with all that's happened between us."

His jaw tightened. "I don't intend to tell her."

"No, I wasn't expecting you to. It's just something she said."

He narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"When I told her that I didn't want you to be alone, she encouraged me to come with you. She even said that I shouldn't leave you alone at night. I think she was giving me permission to be wicked." Voiced aloud, it sounded even sillier than it had bouncing around in her head. "That sounds so ludicrous, doesn't it? If you were mine, I certainly wouldn't give another woman—" She stopped, glanced around. "The hole I'm digging is getting rather large, isn't it?"

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