Chapter Twenty One - The Mission

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My library.



The missive went out to three of them

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The missive went out to three of them. There was a time when it would have gone to four.

They slipped into Hero's library as quiet as the night, coming into the residence through their various preferred entrances. Bill entered through the kitchen. Jim climbed a tree and came in through a bedchamber window. Mabel preferred slipping in through a door that led off of the terrace.

Josephine was there. She'd come in through the front door as though she no longer had a need to hide what they were doing. But Hero knew the truth of it. What they were about to do they would have to carry with them to the grave.

They all sat in chairs in a circle.

"Let's begin," Hero said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Hunter?" Bill asked.

"He's not invited."

Bill looked at the others, as though he expected someone to object, to defend Hunter, and when no one did, he settled back. He was the healer among them. He always wanted to fix things, make them right. But some things, once broken, would never be the same.

"As you're aware, I set up an opportunity to confront Avendale at Heatherwood. Presently, he is my prisoner, being kept in the manor's cellar. The man is a danger. To his wife, his son, Josephine, and me. If it were only me, I'd let it go and deal with him one on one, but I'm not willing to risk the others." He especially wasn't willing to risk Josephine.

"So what's the plan?" Jim asked.

"If any of you have doubts, you should walk out now."

They all stayed seated.

Hero felt the tightening in his chest, cleared his throat at the demonstration of their faith in him. Apparently Jim wasn't the only one who would follow him into hell without asking why they were taking the journey. "Thank you for that."

Taking a deep breath, he gave his attention to Bill. "We need a body. A man, recently buried, would no doubt be best. We'll want him dressed in these items, as well as the two rings. I've included a note that tells which ring goes on which finger on which hand." Hero took a bundle from where it rested beside his chair and extended it to Bill. He'd taken Avendale's clothing and jewelry before leaving Heatherwood.

Bill took the parcel without hesitating. "It's been a long while since I've done any grave robbing, but it's a skill once learned, never forgotten."

"After he's dressed, we'll want him burned beyond recognition."

Bill nodded. "I'll see to it."

"Take comfort in the fact that his final resting place will be very grand indeed." Hero turned to Jim. "I'm looking for someone to be transported to a penal colony for life. Age doesn't matter, as long as the documents can be changed to reflect a man of thirty-four."

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