Chapter Five - The Lesson

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Fucking hell, what was it about the woman that had him confessing things he'd never confessed to anyone else? What was it about her that filled him with shame about his past? What made him want to shock her down to her very toes? What made him wan...

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Fucking hell, what was it about the woman that had him confessing things he'd never confessed to anyone else? What was it about her that filled him with shame about his past? What made him want to shock her down to her very toes? What made him want to appear as evil as she believed him to be?

The thoughts had been tormenting him ever since he'd left her garden.

He was no doubt a fool for getting involved in this matter without more information. She wouldn't reveal who she wanted killed until he was ready to carry out her bidding. For all he knew, he was the one she wanted done in. Not that he could think of a single reason why she would. A wise man never went into a situation without knowing all the details. He was sadly lacking in details.

He banged on the door of the simple lodging. He waited a minute, banged again. He saw a light flicker in a lower window and banged once more.

The door opened and an elderly woman held up her lamp. "Are you daft? Are you not aware of the hour?"

"I need to see James Swindler."

"He's abed."

"Then get him up."

She glared at him. "Have you no decency? I'll do no such thing."

Footsteps echoed on the stairs and then a tall man with broad shoulders was easing the lady aside, lifting his lamp for a clearer view.

"Hero? Good God, what's wrong? Is it Mabel?" In a way it was.

"We need to talk."

"Of course, come on up." Jim patted the woman's shoulder. "It's all right, Mrs. Whitten. He's a friend."

"No doubt, one in trouble. Calling on an inspector of Scotland Yard this time of night. It's not what decent folks do."

"Not to worry. Go back to sleep, madam. I'll keep an eye on things."

The woman harrumphed and shuffled back toward what Hero assumed was her bedchamber.

"Your landlady is the most unpleasant woman."

Jim chuckled. "It has been my experience that few people are pleasant when they're awakened in the middle of the night. Come on up."

Hero followed him up the narrow stairs to a flat that had a sitting room and a sleeping area off to the side. He wasn't surprised to see a small fire going in the fireplace. Regardless of the season, he and his friends relished warmth now that they could afford it.

Jim poured whiskey into two glasses and handed one to Hero. "Make yourself comfortable."

Hero sat in one of two chairs set before the fireplace while Jim sat in the other.

"An inspector? When did that happen?" Hero asked.

"Some time back."

"You're moving up in the world."

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