Chapter Twenty Three - The Promise

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"Aren't we somber in our mourning clothes," Amelia said

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"Aren't we somber in our mourning clothes," Amelia said.

Amelia and Josephine were sitting in Amelia's garden, both of them dressed in black as was suitable for their recent status in the world, one a widow, the other mourning the loss of her father.

"Even though you're in mourning, you seem quite cheerful," Josephine said.

Amelia smiled slyly. "I've been speaking with Dr. Graves on occasion, and I'm thinking of trying to raise funds to build a hospital."

"Oh, that would be lovely and would give you something to occupy your time."

"That's what I thought. He's a rather nice man, even if he is a commoner, and I don't think I shall ever get married again. I think you have the right of it. Be independent, do as you like, not be weighted down by a husband."

It all sounded so fine in principle, but in practice, Josephine spent far too much time thinking of Hero.

As though knowing where Josephine's thoughts had drifted, Amelia said, "I have it on good authority that Mr. Gabriel Fiennes Tiffin has removed his petition to reclaim the estates as his from the courts."

"He'd have not won. Hero is the rightful heir."

"So people are saying. I've heard that he's even being issued invitations to various functions. And it's rumored that Gabriel has been seen in Hero's company on several occasions—laughing as though they're dear friends. Is that not a strange turn of events?"

"Hero can be quite charming when he sets his mind to it. And they are cousins, after all."

"I've also heard that Gabriel is looking after some of Hero's business interests, and his income for his services is more than five thousand a year."

Yes, Josephine could see Hero being that generous.

"For a widow who is not supposed to be out and about, you're certainly keeping up with the gossip," she said wryly.

"I have visitors on occasion. Lady Charlotte stopped by just yesterday. She anticipates being betrothed before the Season is out."

"I thought she wanted a titled husband."

"I daresay she'll settle for a wealthy one."

Josephine laughed lightly, enjoying Amelia's company immensely. She was almost as lively as she'd been when she was a younger woman and she and Josephine had their coming out.

"Is your brother settling in as duke?" Amelia asked.

"Oh, yes. Although I'd forgotten how serious he can be. He still hasn't forgiven me for all the scandalous gossip I've caused, which makes him rather difficult to live with."

"I can well imagine."

"Can you?" She leaned across the table and took Amelia's hand where it rested beside the teacup. "Then you'll understand why I can't stay."

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