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A few weeks had passed since y/n had arrived at the ministry. Throughout her stay at the ministry, she had been spending her free time getting closer to Copia, although he only seemed available to chat during the evening. Y/n didn't question that, thinking that he was just busy with work involving the Ministry. All was seemingly normal until...

Y/n woke up late one morning to the sound of hurried footsteps and loud voices coming from the hall. Y/n got up and slowly walked over to the door, lightly pressing her ear against it to hear what was going on in the hall. As she listened, she heard the voices of Ghouls talking about preparing the Ministry for something.

"What the hell is going on?" Y/n thought to herself as she stepped away from her door and quickly walked over to her closet to grab an outfit.

As Y/n stepped out of her room, she was greeted to the sight of stressed out Ghouls running back and forth through the halls, carrying all sorts of things in their arms. Some carried bandages while others carried objects such as chains.

As y/n whatched the Ghouls, Sister Imperator suddenly passed her. Before Sister could get far, y/n stopped her.

Sister turned to y/n, a look of stress painted her face as Sister stepped away from the middle of the hall.
"Sister, what seems to be going on?" Y/n asked, as a look of concern started to appear on her face

"Oh, it's nothing to concern yourself with. The Ghouls are just... rearranging some of the rooms." Sister said as she quickly composed herself.

"But what is this talk I hear of preparing for something? Is there going to be a gathering tonight?" Y/n questioned.

"No, there's not, and like I said before, it's nothing you should concern yourself with at this moment," Sister said sternly. Y/n didn't dare to press Sister any further, knowing that if she tried, it would only cause trouble.

"Oh... alright. Sorry for the disturbance, " y/n said softly as she watched Sister quickly walk away from her. Y/n sighed softly before going to find Copia.
"He's got to know something about what's going on.." She thought as she quickly made her way to his room.

Upon approaching Copia's room, y/n soon realized where all the Ghouls were taking supplies to. The Ghouls basically surrounded Copia's room, yelling at one another as they pushed past each other. Y/n suddenly grew concerned, thinking that something had happened to Copia. She quickly approached the room, but before she could get a look inside, Cumulus saw her and rushed over to y/n.

"Y/n! Sorry to do this to you, but I must ask that you step away, " Cumulus said softly. " Did something happen to Copia!? Is he okay!?" Y/n asked in a worried tone. Cumulus placed her hand on y/n's shoulder, suddenly leading her away from the room. "Calm yourself y/n. Copia is fine, " Cumulus said in a calm, soothing tone.

"Then what's going on? What is everyone preparing for?" Y/n questioned. Cumulus paused for a moment. " I'm not aloud to answer  that at this moment.." Y/n clenched her fist as frustration but sighed heavily as she looked down at the ground. Cumulus gave y/n a pitiful before placing her hands gently onto Y/n's shoulders.

"Y/n, I wish I could tell you what's going on. I really do, but I'm not aloud to speak of what's going on. No one is." Cumulus said.

"But why not? Why am i the only one who has to be left in the dark about whats going on? You know how much i care for Copia, so please tell me whats going on with him?"  Y/n pleaded as she stared up at Cumulus.

Cumulus sighed as she removed her hands from y/n's shoulders. "Y/n listen, I promise you that when today is over, I'll ask and see if Copia is willing to explain to you what's going on, but until that happens I need you to just keep away from him and the other Ghouls today on their behalf. Are you willing to do that for me?" Cumulus said as she gently took ahold of y/n's hands.

Y/n looked up and met Cumulus's gaze as she nodded softly. Even though her questions weren't answered straight away, she knew Cumulus wouldn't keep her in the dark for long. "Good, and one more thing. I want you to promise me that no matter what happens tonight, you won't leave your room. I know hearing that may be concerning, but me and the other Ghouls have duitys we need to attend to tonight. We can't have anyone interfering with those duties tonight, Alright?" Cumulus said in a calm tone. "Okay, I promise," Y/n said as she nodded slightly.

Cumulus led y/n away from Copia's room and led her to another part of the Ministry. To distract y/n away from what was going on, Cumulus decided to spend the rest of the day with her. The two spent the day talking and hanging about in the music hall.

Soon, the evening came, and Cumulus had to return to her duitys. After escorting y/n to her room, Cumulus returned to help the other Ghouls. Y/n leaned against her window frame as she looked out upon the setting sun. She sat by the window and whached as the moon started to rise slowly. A bright red orb peeked over the dark blue horizon as the night slowly took over the sky. "Such a beautiful moon tonight," y/n mumbled as she looked up at the sky.

Y/n came away from the window, shutting the curtain behind her. She walked over to her closet and rummaged through it, looking for her night clothes. She tossed her night clothes onto the bed and started to get undressed, but stopped as she heard a strange sound coming from the hall. She paused and quietly listened to the sound...

Thump... thump...

A sudden crash echoed through the halls of the Ministry, causing y/n to flitch. Y/n quickly re-buttoned her shirt before quickly walking over to her door. She pressed her ear against the door and quietly listened.

Thump... thump... thump... thump...

The same thumping sound echoed through the hallway. Y/n leaned away from the door and reached out  grabbing the door knob. She hesitated for a moment, thinking about the promise she had made to Cumulus earlier. " I just have to know..." y/n thought as she quitely opened her door and peaked into the hall.

A dim red light shined through the windows and illuminated the dimly lit halls as the thumping sound continued to echo through the Ministry. Y/n slowly stepped into the hall and quietly followed the thumping noise...

... Breaking her promise to Cumulus as she slowly made her way twords the sound.

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