The Red Moon

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Thump... Thump... Thump... Thump...

The noise got louder as y/n steadily walked through the hall. The closer she got to the sound, the more her heart started to slowly sink inside her chest.

She soon realized that the sound was bringing her closer to Copia's room. The thumping soon came to an abrupt stop, causing y/n to freez in place. The silence of the hall sent chills down her spine. Unfortunately, the silence didn't last long. Soon, a new sound started to fill the halls. Although faint at first, y/n could now hear the sounds of a faint growl reverberating off the walls. Y/n took in a shaky breath before quitely flowing the sound.

Y/n soon stood in front of Copia's room where the sound originated from. The growling she heard was now louder, and she could now hear the faint sound of metal softly clinging against something.

Y/n stared at the door for what seemed like an eternity, just listening to the sounds that came from the other side of the door. She slowly reached out and placed her hand onto the knob of the door. Y/n took in a deep breath before slowly turning the knob and gently pushing the door in.

She peaked into the door, quickly scanning the room from the cracked door. She saw nothing unusual about the room from her initial glance, so she decided to peak her head inside. She opened the door more and popped her head into the room...

Clink... clink...

A sudden Clink of metal snapped
y/n's attention over to the bed. She looked over and froze as she stared at the scean presented infront of her.

There, chained to the bedpost, was Copia, except he didn't look like Copia. His hands had changed to be that of claws. His hair was messy and unkept. Dagger like spikes emerged from his arms and shoulders. A pair of bat like wings where tied down to his back with chains. His neatly worn suit was shredded and torn. His teeth were now presenting as fangs, and his once kind eyes were now completely red and feral looking.

"Copia...." y/n squeaked out as she stared at the monstrous figure in front of her. Copia suddenly snapped his head twords her as he let out a low raspy growl. Copia jolted forward, barring his fangs at y/n, but was held back by the chains that tightly held him to the bedpost. Copia struggled against the chains, causing the metal to dig into his skin. It didn't seem to faze him though, he only thing he seemed focused on was trying to get closer to y/n.

Y/n stepped closer to him, taking caution so as not to step in his reach. She kneeled down and met his gaze, carefully looking at the monstrous features on his face. "What the hell happened to you...?" She mumbled, slightly tilting her head as she stared at him.

"Y/N! What the fuck are you doing in here!?" A hushed voice called out from behind y/n. She jumped and quickly turned around to see Mountain standing behind her. He quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Copia.

"He didn't manage to bite you did he!?" Mountain asked as he checked y/n over for any wounds. "No he didn't, but what the fuck is going on!? What happend to Him!? Why is he chained up!?"

Y/n questioned slightly raising her voice. " Y/n, look your not allowed to be in here, you weren't even supposed to leave your room!" Mountain said as he looked down at her. Y/n clenched her fits as she felt a strong wave of frustration wash over her.

"Stop avoiding the my questions! That's all eveyone has been doing today! I don't see why I have to be left in the dark about what's going on!..." y/n paused for a moment as she felt tears start to form in the corner of her eyes. "Please.... I just want to know what happened to Copia..." y/n said softly, her voice cracking slightly as she looked down.

Mountain sighed heavily as he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. " He didn't want you to see him like this.." Mountain mumbled under his breath.

"What..?" Y/n said softly as she looked up at Mountain.

"Copia.... he didn't want you to see him like this. He feared that you would despise him if you ever found out about this.."

Y/n glanced over at Copia before she spoke "...Mountain... What happened to him..." She said as she stepped closer to Mountain.

Mountain paused for a moment as he stared at Copia who was still struggling aginst his restraints. Mountain turned his gaze back to
y/n before he spoke.

" He's a vampire y/n"

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