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6 days. That's the number of days it's
been since Copia had last spoken to y/n. After the night of the red moon, Copia had been purposely avoiding y/n. He would ethier stay locked away in his room, or would quickly disappear as soon as he saw y/n. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed y/n wasn't going to get to talk to Copia anytime soon.

Y/n sat in her room thinking about the morning of the red moon and the look on Copia's face when Mountain told him about the night before. She sighed heavily as she barried her face in her hands. " God, I should've listened to Cumulus," She thought as she looked down at the ground.

As y/n thought to herself, a sudden knock came from her door. She lifted her head up and looked over twords her door.

"Yes?" She called out as she watched her door open slowly. "Mind if I come in?" A familiar voice called out from the crack in the door. "Yes, come in," y/n said.  The door fully opened and in stepped Swiss. As he entered the room, he closed the door behind him and slowly aproched.    y/n.

"You alright? You seem kinda down, " He asked as he sat next to y/n.

"Copia's been avoiding me for the past 6 days." Y/n said as she looked up at Swiss. "Well, you can't really blame him now, can you?" Swiss stated.

"Yeah, I know.." y/n said as she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. "It just kinda sucks you know.." She said before sighing heavily. "Don't go beating yourself up over this, trust me he did the same thing to Nihil and Sister Imperator when they found out" Swiss said as he gently placed his hand on y/n's back.

" Shoot, I would avoid them too if I were in that situation." Y/n mumbled. "Yeah, I probably would too... but anyway, what I'm trying to say is that this whole thing with Copia avoiding you will pass. You just need to give him time. And hey, if he continues to avoid you for the rest of your stay here, we Ghouls will do something about it!" Swiss said as he pointed at himself.

"Thank you, Swiss," y/n said as she smiled slightly. "No problem," Swiss said as he gently patted y/n's back before getting up. "I'll go try talking to Copia for you. Maybe some advice from one of his Ghouls will snap him back into into his old self, " He said as he made his way over to the door.

"Oh! before I go.." Swiss said as he turned back to face y/n. " Don't be getting yourself into any more trouble, for Copia's sake," Swiss sated before quickly turning and leaving the room.

"Your one to talk.." y/n mumbled as she watched Swiss leave the room.  Y/n got up and walked over twords her window and looked out upon the setting sun. The sky slowly turned into a deep blue color as the sun faded below the horizon. Y/n sighed as she closed the window curtains. "

Now it's been 7 days sens that morning.." y/n thought as she walked over to her bed to rest for the night.

Pov change]

Swiss stood at the entrance of the library, quickly scanning the halls to make sure nobody was around. After doing a double take, Swiss entered the library.

As he quietly closed the door behind him, he glanced around the library. His eyes suddenly landed on two figures standing near the window. He approached the figures who turned out to be Soda and Aether waiting for him.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to make a quick pit stop," Swiss said as he stood in front of the two ghouls.

"It's alright," Aether said as he sighed slightly. "Anyway, did either of you manage to talk with Copia yet?" Aether asked. "I did, but he seemed distant whenever I spoke with him," Soda said.

" Did he mention anything about talking with y/n?" Aether asked. " No, nothing," Sodo said. "From what y/n told me, he's continuing to avoid her." Swiss quickly chimed in.

"From the way things are going, I don't think Copia will talk to y/n anytime soon. This could lead to further problems between the Ministry's. We need to do something about this, " Aether said. " Yeah, but what are we gonna do?" Sodo asked.

"I think I have the perfect plan to get those two back on speaking terms," Aether said as he placed his hands on the table in front of him. The two ghouls leaned closer to Aether as he began to tell them of his plan.

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