Making up for lost time

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The loud sounds of the ghouls' footsteps slowly disappeared as they ran down the hall.

Copia stared at the door for a moment before lightly chuckling to himself. “ I can't tell who's more happy about our situation, us or the ghouls.” Copia joked as he turned his head back to y/n.

“ Honestly I can't tell ethier. Let's just go hoping that they don't mention the kiss. I'd rather not be bombarded by questions from the other ghouls.” Y/n said as she looked up at Copia.

“ The ghouls are the least of your problems, it's Sister you have to worry about.” Copia said, shrugging his shoulders. “ I have a sneaking suspicion she already knows that's something going on between us. I mean, have you seen the looks she gives us whenever we're together? She definitely suspects something between us”

“That is true. Nevertheless, I wouldn't want to stick around too long to find out. So how about we go for a little walk later to make up for lost time. We can meet at the front doors after sundown”  Copia Said. “Isn't the ministry locked down after sunset? How will we get back in if they lock us out?’ y/n questioned.

“ I'll make sure the door is unlocked before we leave. And if we do get locked out, we can always wait in the garden until one of the ghouls go for their nightly hall checks.”

“ Alright, so it's a date then” y/n said in a teasing tone. Copia smiled. “ Yes, a date. Now, how about we head to my room until sundown. I've recently found a new video game that I thought we could enjoy together” Copia said as he took Y/n’s hand into his and led her to his room.

Time skip { i know i hate these transitions too}

As the clock struck 8, the sun fully disappeared over the horizon, leaving a sea of dark blue in its path. Copia’s clock suddenly chimes a sweet tune, reminding him that the sun had set.

Copia set down the gaming controller he was holding as he looked up at the clock. “ It seems the time has come for our little date to start. Quickly, we must get to the door before someone sees us sneaking off.” Copia said as he got up from his seat. He helped Y/n up before quickly walking over to his closet and grabbing two jackets. “ Here, take this. It's going to be a bit chilly out tonight” he said, handing Y/n one of the jackets. Y/n put on the jacket before following Copia to the front doors.

The two quickly and sneakily walked out of the front doors of the ministry and stepped into the chilly outdoors. The two soon exited the gates of the ministry and down the road towards the town.

“ So where exactly are we walking to?” Y/n asked as she looked up at Copia. “ Anywhere you want tesoro. The town is ours and the night is young. Why not enjoy it, eh?” Copia said as he took Y/n’s hand into his.

“ How about we go to a coffee shop? Maybe afterwards we can take a stroll through the park, “ Y/n said.  Copia nodded in agreement, and the two soon made their way to a nearby coffee shop. The two entered and sat down at a table beside a window.

A barista soon came to their table holding a small notepad and pencil in thier hand. “ What can I get you two on this lovely evening?” The barista asked as they looked at the two. “ I will get a { drink of your choice}, please.” Y/n said.

“ I'll have a latte, kids' temp, please” Copia said. “ Alrighty, I'll bring your drinks out to you shortly,” The barista said before walking away.

“You're still able to drink coffee? I thought “your kind” were only able to drink,.. Well, you know.. ” Y/n asked, slightly whispering.

“Yes I can still drink coffee. I'm still able to enjoy normal foods and drinks. I just don't gain energy from them like you do” Copia said quietly. Y/n nodded in response.

The barista soon came back with two drinks, along with two slices of pie. “ Here's your drinks along with our last two slices of pie, on the house.” The barista said as They sat down the drinks and pie. The two thanked the barista before they walked off.

As the two enjoyed their food and drinks, Copia briefly talked about his up and coming music album he was creating. After finishing their food, they paid, then soon left the cafe and started making their way to the park.  

The park was empty as expected. Even so, neither Copia nor Y/n complained. Now they could talk openly about whatever without having to worry about if others are listening or not.

“ The park is very peaceful this time of night,” Copia said as he looked down at Y/n. “ It is. Although it's kinda spooky out here when nobody's  around” Y/n said as she glanced around the empty park.

“ Don't worry, you have a big bad vampire to protect you” Copia joked as he gave her hand a light squeeze. “ You? A big bad vampire?” Y/n said in a teasing tone as she smiled slightly. “Please, you're a tiny bat at most”

“ Oh, how you've wounded me!” Copia said, smiling as he dramatically placed his hand on his chest. “ Whatever shall I do after such an insult?.... Maybe I should do THIS!”

Copia said as he suddenly picked up Y/n bridal style. Y/n wrapped her arms around Copia’s neck as he swooped her up into his arms. Her face turned a light shade of red as Copia looked down at her with a sly grin.

“ Not so tiny now, hm?” Copia teased. “Cliche. Now that you've proven how “Big” you are, what's your next move, bat boy?” Y/n said teased.

“ How about I take you home and you can find out there?” Copia whispered. “Alright then, let's go”    Y/n whispered back. “ Hang on, amore, I'll get us home in no time”
Copia said as he held y/n closer to him as a pair of bat-like wings emerged from behind him.

He took a slight running start before lifting himself off the ground. As Copia flew through the shadows, Y/n clung unto him tightly. They would soon return to the Ministry, safely landing in the garden. 

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