Strange Flowers

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( Sorry to start the chapter off with a time skip. The current time of the story is about 4 days after the last chapter.)

The morning has started off somewhat normal. Y/n had woken up to a love letter written by Copia sitting on her nightstand which she read before getting out of bed. After reading the letter, she got dressed and fixed her hair. As she left her room she looked over and saw Mountain coming down the hall towards her. " Good morning Mountain." Y/n said in a cheery tone. " Y/n, good you're up. I was just about to come and wake you." Mountain said as he stood in front of her.

" Wake me? What for?" Y/n asked as she looked up at Mountain . " Sister Imperator wants me and you to go and search the garden for any poisonous plants. Cumules and Swiss have fallen sick and Sister Imperator suspects something in the garden could have caused it."

" Oh dear... are the two of them alright?" Y/n asked in a concerned tone. " They're both bed ridden as of now, but the sooner we find out what caused the sickness the faster we can get them treated. Go and grab your jacket and come on. There's supposed to be a snow storm later and I don't want to be out in the cold too long. I'll meet you by the back door" Mountain said as he started to walk down the hall. Y/n nodded and quickly stepped back inside her room to find her coat. She walked over to her closet and started to rummage through the clothes that were hung up. " dammit... where did I put that dang coat.." she mumbled to herself.

" Looking for this, Amore mio~" A voice said from behind Y/n. Y/n quickly turned around and saw Copia leaning against her bedpost with her coat draped over his arm. " You left it in my room the other night" Copia said with a smile as Y/n walked over to him. " Thank you for returning it to me," Y/n said. " May I ask where you're off too?" Copia asked as he helped Y/n put on her coat. " Just to the garden with Mountain." Y/n said as she zipped up her coat.

" Well don't stay out in the cold too long dear, wouldn't want you getting sick" Copia said as he leaned forward and gave Y/n a soft kiss on her lips. " Don't worry love, I won't." Y/n said as she placed her hand on Copia's cheek, slightly leaning forward to rest her forehead against his.

After giving Copia one last kiss on the cheek she left her room and went to go and meet Mountain at the back door.

" You're finally here!" Mountain called out as Y/n approached him. " Sorry for the wait, I couldn't find my coat." Y/n said in an apologetic tone as she looked up at Mountain. " It's alright, I wasn't waiting too long. Anyway, let's head out before the storm starts." Mountain said as he opened the back door and motioned for Y/n to step outside. Y/n nodded and stepped outside into the cold winter air.

Snow fell slowly from the sky as Mountain and Y/n walked through the Garden in search of anything out of the ordinary. As y/n searched through a patch of Camellia, she heard a soft knocking coming from above. Y/n looked up at the window above her and saw a gloved hand slightly pulling back the curtains. Y/n could tell from the black leather gloves that the person above was Copia. He carefully peeled back the curtain so as to not let the light touch his skin. Copia waved at her from the window, while admiring her from above. Y/n smiled up at him as she waved back at him.

"Y/n come here! I think I might have found something!" Mountain called out. Y/n looked away from the window and over at Mountain who was kneeled down in front of one of the flower pots containing Pansy. Y/n walked over to Mountain and peered over his shoulder to see what he was looking down at. "What did you find?' Y/n asked

" I'm not sure... Here reach behind the pot and pull out that hunk of flowers" Mountain said as he got up and stepped back away from the flower pot. Y/n stepped forward and leaned down, reaching out and grabbing the hunk of flowers hidden behind the flower pot.

Y/n held the clump of flowers in her hand, looking down at it with a slightly confused expression. The flowers were a deep purple with a fade of black near the stems. The flowers dropped downwards from the stem giving it a strange shape. Although the flowers were slightly wilted due to the snow, they were still somewhat intact. " What are these..?" Y/n asked as she looked up at Mountain.

"From the looks of them I'd say they're probably wolfsbane.." Mountain said as he looked down at the flowers in Y/n's hand. " Wolfsbane..? What's that?" Y/n said in a confused tone. " It's a type of flower that's poisonous to Ghouls and deadly to Vampires. We don't grow them in the garden because of how dangerous they are." Mountain said.

" Oh my! ... could it be possible that there's an infestation of them in the garden?" Y/n asked. " No that couldn't be that case, this type of flower doesn't grow naturally in our garden, let alone during the winter, '' Mountain said as he crossed his arms over his chest. " I think someone might have planted these around to try and cause harm to us..." Mountain said in a serious tone. " who would do such a thing?" Y/n asked.

" Who knows... nevertheless, you should head back inside. I need to inform Sister Imperator about this." Mountain said as he took a Handkerchief from his pocket and used it to take the wolfsbane from Y/n's hand. " Be sure to wash your hands before touching Copia or any Ghouls. Wouldn't want them getting sick." Mountain said as he watched y/n walk to the back door.

" Don't worry, I will!" Y/n called out to Mountain before opening the door and heading back inside.

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