Chapter 30.5

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The Captain gently taps his fingers against the counter as he stares off into the empty glass in front of him. With his left arm, he rests it against the counter while his hand buries itself into his cheek.

"You haven't asked for another drink, Captain. Did something happen?"

"Hmm... Not really."

It's a lie. Sort of.

"Well, is something in your mind Captain? You look quite... blank." The Valkyrie emphasized as she stared at the man who continued holding a neutral expression on his face.

"Haha. Trust me, I'm fine. The reason for my blankness is because I'm thinking of a lot of things to do with Amy."

"Ah, so that's why you look so deep in thought!"

"In a sense, yes. I'm just wondering about things to teach her, things that we can bond together with. My mind is fixated on plans." The Captain grabbed his glass and handed it to the Valkyrie who took it and began filling it again. "Thanks." He grabbed hold of the drink with a nod of appreciation.

"I take it there's another reason why you've been consuming less alcohol?"

"I don't want my sister to see me drink... After the fiasco of learning who she is and the time we've spent for a while now. Although it may not be long, I wish to cut down my drinking habits for her." The Captain said with a sigh. "I don't want to set a bad example you know? It's bad enough that she's had enough bad examples and doesn't trust humans much... Although I used to get drunk a lot, I'm cutting down on it for Amy's sake."

"That's quite kind of you Captain, despite knowing Ms. Amy for a bit. You're already thinking of being a good role model."

"Hmm. Thanks. I still drink my alcohol, just not a lot now. I even took out my alcohol in my mini fridge..."

"Where did you put it?"

"Welllll... It would be a waste to throw it away..."

"Yo Himeko! I brought all this booze! need help finishing all of this booze! Care to help me?!"

"You had me at booze!"

"I put it to good use..." The Captain chuckled as the flashback ended quickly and he took another sip of his drink. "Anyway, how has your day been?"

"Eh?! You wish to know of my day?!" The Valkyrie asked with surprise and a bright smile on her face.

"Well, I always want to know how everyone's day has been. So I always ask them. It's also a good way to help those who want others to tell them how their days have gone."


The Captain blew slightly as he pulled on the collar of his shirt. His face was slightly flushed as he felt quite warm. He can't walk straight from the alcohol, but regardless, he's able to still think correctly.

Thank god I didn't drink strongly.

He walks through the quiet halls of the night as he slowly stumbles to his room. He's honestly impressed, he managed to stop himself from drinking until he couldn't anymore!

As he stumbles while trying not to fall, he blinks as he hears a distant voice.

"Perhaps if we try it. It can work."

... Huh?

He stopped walking and began to focus his attention on where the voice came from. He turned slowly and began walking in the direction of the noise.

"How are you sure this will work?"

... Elysia?

He noticed that the voice came from the meeting room. He saw the lights were on and the door was not closed. He quietly crept towards the meeting room and then hid to the side as his back touched the wall.

Captain is Ours. Source: Valkyries [HI3]Where stories live. Discover now