Chapter twenty-seven

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(y/n) spent the rest of the break either writing music, reading or helping her mum in the kitchen. Since (y/n)'s birthday was next term she couldn't use magic for it yet but knowing each recipe by hand always helped.

"Right so I've packed a small lunch and a few coins for something sweet. Your exams start in two months so I've put in some quecards from my exams." The whistle blew for the train to leave while taking hold of the railing (y/n) felt a sudden shock.

(Y/n) walked through the train dodging people as they ran screaming. It was all coming from a singular carriage. Both Kate and Galicia were running out with herself and Samantha following. It was a dung bomb.

"Look at them go!" It wasn't Quinny but Thorn and another Slytherin.

Before she could see who it was the blaring of the train's horn and her mother running after the train came back to her ears

"(y/n) what's the matter?!" (y/n) shook her head focusing her eyes on her mother once more.

"Nothing just remembered something." And the door shut in front of her. She knew her mother didn't believe her. Not for a second. It didn't help (y/n) wasn't gifted in lying just yet.

"(y/n) what are you doing standing about?" Galicia asked by the doorway. (y/n) fixed up her bag looking behind Galicia to see if anyone was behind her. No one was in sight.

"What carriage are the girls in?"

"Was it another vision?" (y/n) nodded and Galicia started walking off. Following they came to the second last room and Galicia swung open the door.

"(y/n)!" Samantha cheered jumping up. (y/n) did of course return the hug but was still looking rather serious looking around the room for the dung bomb. "You alright?" Her hand waved over (y/n)'s eyes but Galicia grabbed her hand.

"What was the vision?" She asked and Samantha pulled back.

"Tell us everything."

And when she did Samantha slammed open the door looking both left and right.

"I bet they're skulking about. I can smell it." (y/n) arched an eyebrow at Samanthas change of voice.

"Smell what exactly they're horrible perfume?" Kate sighed pulling Samantha back in.

"No, the dung bomb." Kate rolled her eyes before turning to Galicia.

"What are you thinking?" Galicia didn't look proud of herself and looked as if trying to think of another solution.

"Where are Fred and George." The room fell silent. Galicia wanted to ask the twins for help? For the first time in six months, she's mentioning them in a none threatening way.

"Are you ill?" Samantha said being the first one to speak.

"What's that supposed to mean? All I'm saying is they could do something about it. Let's go find them." Galicia stepped out of the way of Samantha to walk into the corridor. With a quick glance about she was off. Maybe the plan was later in the trip or something. The girls followed behind, (y/n) walked beside Samantha she had her arm wrapped around with hers.

Continually stopping between rooms to glance inside it wasn't long before Galicia was swinging open a door with a stern face that was almost a glare at the twins. Lee was also with them.

"We need your help. Some Slytherins are gonna set off a dung bomb in our compartment." (y/n) could only see lee from where she stood, Galicia was too tall and Kate was by the other window.

"How'd you find out?" Lee asked and Samantha jumped up pushing Galicia to the side.

"She heard them talking about it. Wanted to get back at (y/n) for Quinny." Fred and George spotted (y/n) now, which they immediately stood for.

"Looks like the fun will be starting early." Fred stretched opening up a briefcase.

"You up for it Lee?" George spoke clapping his hand with Lees, both grinned.

"Always." a smirk went to Samantha from Lee and she stepped back blushing. She wasn't always one to do that.

"Who we targeting?"

"Thorn and uh..." Galicia glanced back quickly to (y/n) she still didn't know who it was. "I didn't see the other person but it'll be soon." Nodding her head it really didn't sound believable and Kate looked worriedly over to (y/n) thinking the twins might suspect something, but nothing did happen. The three boys left the room telling them to stay inside.

"What's in here?" Samantha spoke while a hand came down to the homemade box of pranks.Kate slapped her hand away from it.

"Don't. You don't want to be the actual cause of the dung bomb do you?" Samantha chuckled sitting down to the window seat. The girls all began talking like normal while (y/n) left wanting to see if the twins were back.

What if Quinny was on the train? Surely someone would have said something about seeing him. But maybe he couldn't be expelled until the new term started and. Bang! An explosion down the hall made the girls jump up.

"What on earth was that?" Galicia opened the door all four of their heads poked out at different heights. Fred George and Lee were sprinting through the hall a dung bomb had gone off the next carriage over being the Slytherins it was all clouded with the horrible smell. They panted making it into the room shutting the door behind them. It was slightly cramped in the room but George was quick to hide everything. To (y/n)'s surprise, none of them smelt.

"You were right, thorn and a sixth-year were heading off to set a dung bomb in your compartment." Fred panted out fixing his hair, which (y/n) darted away from with a blush on her cheeks.

"But we managed to set it off in their hands instead." Lee grinned taking a seat by Samantha.

"Great now we can get going." Galicia cheered quickly to grab (y/n)'s arm just as the twins came to sit down. They tried holding onto her but a bunch of weasley products were In their hands.
Kate grabbed Samantha who whined but didn't get a say while they went through the door.

"Galicia." Fred sang out and she stopped still holding onto (y/n)'s forearm.

"I think you owe us a thank you. At least." Galicia's eyebrow twitched, (y/n) could see this would take everything out of her to thank them for pranking other students.

"Thank you." And she didn't look back to see their grin.

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