Chapter 23

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Amber's POV
"Billy, put me down!" I yelped, as he was still holding me in the air. Billy had used the 'throwing me in the water' thing, just because I tackled him into the water after he drenched me.
"Nah, I think I like this better." He grinned, spinning around.
"Unger." I glared at him, whilst he was still holding me in the air.
"Hutcherson." He smirked, looking up at me.
"So why can't you swim?" He asked, dropping me back to the ground. Really. That's what he asks me after almost endangering my life.
I sighed.
"The three don't's. Don't like to swim. Don't want to learn to swim. Don't need to know how to swim."
"Wow." He chuckled, eyeing over my drenched body.
"You need new clothes." He took note.
"Way to go, Sherlock." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest.

Great. I have drenched clothes, and the ability to run into Olivia by going into one of these shops. And I'm not in the mood for that.
"Would you like my shirt?" He asked randomly.
"What?" I questioned, wondering if I heard right.
"Would......You......Like...... My...... Shirt." He repeated very slowly, as if he were talking to a small child.
"You know, since your clothes are all wet and you can't go shirtless." He admitted, a faint blush creeping on his cheek. He looks like a little boy, getting caught feeding the dog his vegetables. He actually looked kind of cute.
"Although you being shirtless would be nice." He smirked. And POOF! Cuteness vanished. I was stupid for even thinking that. He walked out of the water to the car, got something, and then chucked it at me.
"Thanks." I smiled, going somewhere else to change.

After I had changed, I walked out of the small changing room in the shop.
"Hey, princesa." I spun around, and saw Spencer. Oh shit. Crap.
"Uhhh, hey." I mumbled, glancing up at him.
"You seem quiet." Daniel chuckled, looking down at me. Well, no shit.
"Okay, look, are you not talking to me because Unger said so?" Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No!" I blurted out. Oops, that didn't sound convincing.
"I mean, no." I muttered, keeping my eyes on the ground. He lightly tapped my chin with his fingers.
"A pretty face shouldn't be looking down." I really need to go. Billy is going to get so pissed off if he even sees me standing near Spencer.
"Hah, uh, thanks." I faintly smiled, feet somehow glued to the ground.
"Nice shirt." He smirks, gingerly holding up my shirt between his index and forefinger.
"I gotta go. Bye!" I suddenly shout, and like Cinderella at the stroke of midnight, I booked it straight out the door.
"You look like as if you've seen a ghost." Dylan smirked.
"I have. A 6'2 one." I retorted.
"Billy?" Dylan chuckled.
"Uhh. Sure. Let's leave it at that." Honestly, I wasn't in the mood for explaining.
"We have hotdogs!" Tyrel called, motioning for us to come over.
"You had me at hotdogs." I grinned, sitting down on the sand.
"Dude, the girls here are hot." Taylor stated, looking at all the girls around us. Perverts. I mentally scoffed, and picked up my hotdog.
"Don't get associated with the wrong one." Josh muttered, probably so no one would hear. But I did.
"Especially if that one has pasty blue eyes, ratty blonde hair, is a cheating skankabite, and is back in town." Whoops. I should've just kept that one a little secret. Me and my big fat mouth. I guess I got caught up with-
Josh must've understood, because he glared at me, and then stayed quiet.
"So, what did everyone do?" Emma asked, breaking the silence, and I couldn't be more thankful.
"I talked to this hot girl." Taylor grinned.
"Obviously." Kelli scoffed, turning away. Ooh, someone's jealous.
"I went surfboarding." Dylan smiled, leaning back on his arms.
"I talked with Taylor and the other hot girls." Tyrel chuckled, as Emma glared at him. Hey, another jealous one! Now, all I need is Tyler, and we can work this love guru thing.
"I was so close to killing someone." Billy scoffed, looking at the waves collide with the sandy dunes of the beach.
"What about you Li? You've been quiet this whole time." I imitated him, slightly tilting my head to the side. He asked me that same question in the car, it figures to bother him about it too. Yea, I'm that kind of person.
"Huh?" Liam looked up from his hotdog.
"Oh, I just took a walk." He said, going back to eating.
"Liam Hemsworth, taking a walk?" Dylan rolled his eyes,
"Bro, that's a lame excuse."
"Yeah, especially that coming from a guy who escaped the cops with their own motorcycle." Taylor agreed. I wonder if he still has the motorcycle. That'd be sick! Liam chuckled, and glanced at me. I gave him a questioning look, and he just shrugged it off. What's up with him?
"Those were the days." Liam stated, laughing a bit.
"Hey, it's getting dark. We should get going." Josh informed us, as he stood up. Quite the day today. They're are acting strange as hell. I will get down to the bottom of this.
"Amb, you coming?" Kelli asked, and I became aware that I was still looking out onto the dimmed beach.
"Tomorrow, let's go to the amusement park." I told Josh.
"No can do sis, I'm tired." Josh smirked. Really. This bastard is tired now? Oh hell no. Tired my ass. We're going tomorrow.
"Josh." I whined, tugging on his arm.
"No." He chuckled, as I ran to catch up with him.
"Please?" I jutted out my bottom lip, and widened my eyes a bit.
"No Amb, don't do that face." Josh groaned, as we reached the car.
Aha, it's working. I pouted even more, and looked up at him, pleadingly.
"Fine! Fine! Okay! Quit doing that!" He finally agreed.
"Thank you, Joshie boy." I grinned, getting in Liam's car.
And that my friends, is how you persuade your obnoxious brother.


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