Chapter 37

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Amber's POV
"You have to get out of here!" I shouted to Emma.
"Amb, we can't leave you here." Emma shook her head, running somewhere in the mansion.
"Where's Kelli?" I inquired.
"I don't know! She darted off to the other direction." She replied, as we rounded the corner.
"Not like that." I hissed, grabbing her arm, and pulling her back,
"Check the damn corners."
"Alright, alright!" She raised her hands in defeat, poking her head to view the corners.
"I think they went that way!" I heard Tyrel yell. Crap. They're gaining. I busted open a door, probably one of the spare offices. I slid over the desk, and ducked underneath. The board that was infront of me was blocking their sight of me. Emma was frantically looking around, so I pointed her to one of the guest rooms. She nodded in relief, darting into the room across from us. Footsteps were still stepping closer, and my breath hitched. Keep in mind Amber, if they find you, you're absolutely done.
"We've got Kelli. Where are the other two?" Liam asked, I heard the loud thudding of his feet nearing this room.
"I don't know man." Billy must have been shrugging.
"Okay, Taylor is watching Kelli. Tyrel, Dylan, you try to get Emma. We need strong guys for Amber." I heard Liam explain, and I snorted. I'm not a she-villain! I pressed myself harder against the wood of the desk.
"Are you calling us weak?" Tyrel challenged.
"Yeah, you're a wuss." Liam pointed out.
"It takes a wuss to know a wuss." Tyrel shot back.
"Guys! Focus. We're on a mission." Billy yelled over their argument. Awwwww, the peacemaker.
"Yeah, yeah." Tyrel muttered, as I heard the footsteps redirect.
"Hey! This door is open." Billy yelled, his voice so very close. Shit!
"Great. The little scamp is probably in here." Liam scoffed, walking in. Scamp? Who the hell even uses that anymore? I hit my head against the desk, cursing as I did so.
"Did you hear that Liam?" Billy asked, the smirk evident in his voice.
"I did." Liam chuckled,
"Looks like we've got her."

Their footsteps were so close to the desk, before I decided to jump out. "Get her." Billy ordered, as they both basically lunged for me. I ducked, and they clashed together.
"The hell man? That can be better executed." Liam groaned, rubbing his head. I quickly slid over the desk, sprinting out of the room.
Well, they're retards.
"We've got Emma!" Dylan yelled, walking around the corner. My eyes widened, and I quickly shoved a hand over his mouth. His eyes widened as well, before he tried to struggle out of my grip.
"Sorry Dylan, but this has to be done." I mumbled quickly, shoving him in a closet.
"AMBER!" I locked the closet, and took the keys with me.
"Whew, that was close." I muttered, quickly ducking behind a corner. I felt two arms wind around my waist.
"Not as close as this." Billy whispered in my ear, as I tried to do the strategy again. He just chuckled, before tossing my body over his broad shoulders.
"UNGER!" I shouted. He laughed, keeping a tighter grip on my legs.
"I'd like to see you get out of this one." He smirked, while I pounded on his back.
"I swear to god, I will-" He hit my behind, causing me to try and kick even harder. That bastard!
"Let me go!"
"Aw, that's so cute. You think I'm going to let you go? After what you did to my car?" Billy shook his head,
"Not a chance."
"Billy." I whined, as he walked down the stairs.
"You've got her, I see." Taylor chuckled. Billy set me back on the ground, and I immediately tried to escape. He just picked me up again, holding me bridal style.
"Billy Unger, let me go right now!"
"Sweetie pie, we went over this," He sighed,
"I'm not going to let go." My arms were still round around his neck, as he effortlessly was holding me up.
"Since you can't swim..." He trailed off, watching Emma and Kelli being thrown into the pool. He set me down, and I thrashed around.
"I don't know what you're planning Unger, but don't throw me in the pool." I pleaded, still a bit shaken.
"Hey, I'm not going to throw you in there." His eyes softened the slightest bit, wrapping one arm around my waist. Oh thank god.
"But what I am going to do," Billy smirked,
"Liam. Hose please." My eyes widened into saucers, as Liam gladly tossed him the wretched hose. I squirmed in his grasp. He's too strong, okay? I can't get out.
"Hit me with your best shot." I glared up at him, and he shook his head in amusement.
"If you insist." He chuckled, making sure I was firmly pressed to him, before all the water was released onto me.
"Billy!" I squealed, as he kept hitting me with the water. He had now let go, and I was chattering. I desperately tried to keep myself warm.
"Okay! I surrender!" I yelped, attempting miserably to shield the wicked force of water.
"And what?"
"Say Billy Unger is the sexiest human being to walk this planet." He smirked, continuing to spray me.
"I am not saying that!" I scoffed. He just shrugged, and the water was now on full blast.
"Say it." He threatened, moving the hose closer to my soaked face.
"Billy Unger is the sexiest human being to walk this planet!" I grumbled, but made sure it was loud enough to hear.
"I know." He chuckled, turning the hose off. My body was soaked. And I was so ready to attack him. But not in this state. And I will not injure Billy. For someone I like, he is a complete dick. A dick that can make my heart beat 100 miles per hour. I hugged my body, struggling to keep warm.
"This isn't over." I grumbled, before shoving past him.
"Are you cold?" Billy pouted, holding a towel out.
"Matter of fact, I am." I pursed my lips, attempting to snatch the towel.
"Come here." He had held the towel outstretched, welcoming me into his open arms. Surprisingly, I went. He wrapped the towel around my drenched self, and wrapped his arms around me with the towel.
"This way, I can keep you warm without getting wet." He grinned, tightening the towel around me. I found myself leaning against his warm chest, snuggling up to him. What? He's warm, okay?

I enjoyed the intimate moment, as he rocked slowly back and forth. We both stayed like that in comfortable silence, before a memory came to mind.

"Really? Again?" I pouted, trailing behind my adventurous boyfriend. "Yes, really. You got to enjoy the outdoors! Live a little, Ham." He simply said, as we trudged on the mucky paths.
"I do live. Just not outside." I retorted. The cool breeze was really getting to me.
"You're crazy." He chuckled, shaking his head.
"Crazy enough to be your girlfriend." I muttered.
"What was that?" He cocked an eyebrow, amused.
"Nothing." I shook my head, continuing to follow him. I guess they're right when they say opposites attract. A drop of rain was felt on my head, before I called out to Nash.
"Look, now it's raining." I pointed out, obviously upset.
"A little rain won't hurt." He informed me, walking along.
"It will if it turns into hail!" I call after him, jogging to keep up.
"It's not going to turn into hail." He rolled his eyes at how idiotic I was, most likely. The rain soon became very heavy, and we reached the cabin completely soaked.
"I told you." I huffed, crossing my arms.
"Now, we're all cold and-"
"Would you like me to keep you warm?" He had asked, smiling slightly with open arms. I did nothing but nod, and run into them.
"See? You're going to be fine." He chuckles, the warmth of his body emitting onto me. Sure he was slightly wet as well, but he still was able to make me warm.
"No I'm not." I glared at him, as he rolled his eyes yet again.
"Amber." He warns, his grip on me getting a bit tighter.

"Just enjoy the moment."

-Flashback over-

I quickly withdrew from Billy.
"I uh, gotta go change." I told him in a rushed tone, before attempting to dart away. Billy just held onto me securely, ensuring that I don't move.
"Why do you always do that?" He inquired, looking down at me.
"Do what?" I tilted my head to the side.
"Everytime we have a...a moment, you always end up distancing yourself. Why?" He asked again.
"Look, I really don't feel like saying anything." I mumbled, refusing to make eye contact.
"No Amber, I don't understand. It's just plain irritating!" His anger was taking over him.
"I can't okay!" I cried out frustrated, "I just can't!" I gripped my hair.
"Why Amber? Why can't you?" He questioned,
"What's so bad about telling me?"
"I can't tell anyone, Billy. It's too hard."
"No it's not. You're just making this extra hard for your self by prolonging it. It drives me nuts." He shouted, throwing his hands in the air.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not going to tell you. I'm sorry for annoying you." I narrowed my eyes at him, before spinning around. He grabbed my arm, tugging me back to his chest.
"Hey, I'm sorry." He said softly, engulfing me into a warm hug.
"No Billy." I tried to push him away.
"All I want you to do is tell me."
"I don't want to tell anyone, okay?" I snapped. Why the fuck am I still standing here? He's forcing me to do something I don't want. I shouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.
"Amber, please." His eyes were filled with different emotions swarming all over the place.
"No Billy! Would you just screw off?!" I spat, struggling out of his grip.
"You think you're the only one with a bad relationship past? News flash Amber, you should really quit feeling sorry for yourself." His cold words stung me.
"I'm not saying I'm the only one who had a bad past. I never did." I challenged, bringing my hands up to his chest.
"You're implying it, Hutcherson." I never realized how close we became through this whole argument.
"Why can't you just leave me alone? Why do you always have to get into my business? Why can't you just drop the topic and-" He pressed his lips to mine smoothly, shutting me off. I resisted for a little, before giving into his touch. His arms dropped to my lower back, and mine moved to the back of his neck, bringing him unimaginably close.
"Billy." I mumbled against his lips, trying to resist.
"If Josh-"
"So what if Josh sees." He muttered, pushing his lips to mine once more.
"You're going to tell me one day." He vowed, pulling away.
"One day..not today." I replied solemnly, still a bit flustered from that kiss.
"This is the last time I'm going to let it go, you know." He smirked, staring down at me.
"Unger." I asked uncertainly.
"Your shirt is wet."

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