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[Dedicated to my friend, Chrissie :-) you're kewl.]


My chest is heaving up and down and sweat is pouring down my body but I could not possibly be happier as I step back. I take one final curtsy before the curtain fully closes, obstructing my view of the huge audience applauding me solely.

I pick up a handful of the roses that were thrown onstage for keepsakes. When I finally make my way through the wing to backstage, everyone is there applauding me with proud smiles on their faces. The first to walk up to me is my parents.

I fully expect them to say something about how no matter how good I am, dance will never get me anywhere in life but they both hug me with the biggest of smiles on their faces.

"So.. how was it?" I ask hopefully. A pink rose falls from my hands and I swiftly pick it up, careful not to catch it on my tutu.

When I look back up at my father, I realise that his lips are moving as if he speaking to me, but I hear absolutely nothing coming from his mouth. I guess it's because of the symphony music still echoing loudly through the building.

"Pardon?" I giggle.

He frowns and lightly shakes his head before walking off.

"Wait, what?" I ask completely gobsmacked. I turn to my mother with a frown. At least she still has a bright smile on her face. Now that I think about it, everyone has freakishly happy expressions, all staring at me. "What happened? Is it something I said? I barely said anything?"

My mother's smile falters slightly before she says something with an expectant look. Once again I fail to hear her over the music.

"I'm really sorry. I can't hear. Maybe we should just go to my-" before I can even finish my sentence, she gives me a harsh glare, turns on her heel and marches out, through the doorway.

What. The. Actual. Fck.

I look around frantically and spot another familiar face.

"Harry! What is going on?" I raise my voice, trying to be heard over the speakers.

Harry's smile grows before he throws his head back in a fit of silent laughter.

Now I'm pissed. I spin around and harshly glare at the soundbox.

"Can someone just shut the fucking music off! Please!"

"Oh sweetie. What are you talking about?"

My eyes widen when I turn around and instead of Harry, my mother stands there. Concern is plastered on her face.

"What? Don't you hear th-"

"Just as crazy as I remember you." my frown deepens at her condescending tone.

"What the fuck is happening?" I yell. My mother rolls her eyes, making me grunt and shut my eyes tightly. Something is seriously wrong and I don't know what. They must be playing some type of joke on me.

When I open my eyes again I have to scrunch them up. Bright white light is trying to blind me and I don't appreciate it. I lift my right hand to cover them but gasp when I feel something heavy around my hand.

I reach my left over and as soon as I feel the ruff surface my eyes shoot open completely.

I face a white ceiling.


Not again.

"Good morning, Princess. Nice of you to join us."

Slowly, I turn my head to the left. There she is in all her glory. My mother.

As always her brunette hair is straight and neatly tucked back, out of her face. She's dressed in a 'I'm-so-much-more-important-than-you-yellow' fitted long skirt and blazer.

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