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"So Hayden, tell me about yourself." Chrissie asks over our supper.

"It's Harry." I cringe.

Harry just chuckles awkwardly. "I- well, I play piano for Royal Ballet and I like Di."

My eyes shoot up and my face flushes.

"No, no no. I- I like her as a friend.. Totally platonic." He says frantically. His friend zoning doesn't go off very well, making my stomach feel funny. He didn't need to be so blatant about it.

"Oh okay." Chrissie smiles brightly. "From where are you?"

"Cheshire. You probably haven't heard of it.." He shrugs. Chrissie visibly perks up.

"I'm from there too! I moved here when I was sixteen for work."

"That's nice. What do you do?" The color quickly drains from my face, similar to Chrissie's. She opens her mouth to answer, but then shuts it again to think it over.

"I work as and assistant for some big company. I don't if you've heard of it? Monarchy?" She smirks. I snort at her answer, earning a strange look from Harry.

"No I don't think so.." He ponders, tapping his fingers on the wooden table. "I also moved here for work."

"What a coincidence." Chrissie stiffly chuckles. I don't appreciate her almost slipping up, but she covered it nice enough.

When we all finish, Harry gets ready to leave, saying he has some work to catch up on. He greets Chrissie and me with quick hugs and waltzes out the door. The door has barely shut when Chrissie squeals loudly.

"He's so cute! Please tell you're going for him?!" She grabs my shoulders and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a middle schooler." I scoff and attempt to walk away to my studio, but she keeps me in place.

"Don't even try to deny it! I saw the way you look at him. And look how red your cheeks are!" My hands fly up to cover my hot face. "Love is in the air. See, I knew you wouldn't be alone forever!"

I slowly lower my hands and glare at her. "Thanks Chrissie. That really means a lot. What does it matter really if I like him, you heard what he said. Besides, you know I can't date. My parents would kill me!"

I throw my hands up in frustration and take a seat on the couch behind me. Chrissie sits down on the arm of the chair.

"What they don't know won't kill them." She shrugs. I start to speak, but she cuts me off, giving me a sympathetic look. "Babe, do you really think he doesn't fancy you? You truly are blind. I can already see the love blooming between you two! Mmm.. Harry and Di. Dirry? No.. Oh I know! Darry!"

She claps her hands in excitement and I roll my eyes once again.

"Will you stop being such a child? Let's just drop this. I'm tried and I still have lots of practicing to do." I get up and walk over to the studio. The preppy blonde follows me like a lost puppy.

"Will you stop being such a bitch?" She mocks, but then giggles. She can never be mean without laughing at herself. "Speaking of which, I don't think you should be practicing so much, Di. Aren't you in too much pain already?"

I take in the caring look she's giving me, but I don't even hesitate before lying. "No. I'm feeling tons better! Maybe this is finally passing? Who knows."

"Okay fine, keep these lies going, but don't come crying to me when you can't get up in the morning." She scoffs before walking out of the room and closing the glass doors behind her.

"Can't you ever stop saying that!" I shout, but she's too far away already to hear.

I start to feel the familiar weight on my chest that comes with the reminder of my injuries. Why can't she just forget about them? Or at least leave me be.

I stomp over to the speakers and press play on my iPod. I recorded Harry playing the Odette piece, making it easier to rehearse. I make sure to set the volume on maximum, just to spite Chrissie even more.

I practice the piece over and over and over. Even the slightest mistake makes me start over. This has to be prefect. I have to be perfect.

I revel in the feeling of bliss I experience when dancing, but it's short lived when a sharp pain shoots through my upper thigh during a leg lift. I cry out in pain, but just continue. It's not that bad, I tell myself. It's a lie, it actually hurts so fucking much, but not enough to stop. Only a few more counts.

I swear I can taste blood from biting my lip so hard. I continuously grunt and yell in pain with every move my right leg makes.

Don't stop now, Di. You're not perfect yet. At this pace you'll never be good enough.

I beg the voices to stop, but they only get louder, almost blocking out the music. When the piece finally finishes I collapse on the hard floor in complete pain.

"I hate you!" I yell at myself while clutching my hip in my small hands. Tears roll down my face as I hear the doors opening and footsteps nearing me. I don't open my eyes until I feel a soft hand on my shoulder.

"Go away!" I yell at her, my voice breaking slightly. "I'm fine. I don't need your help!"

"Calm down, Doll. You're alright, you just need some rest." She softly coos, wiping away my tears of pain and frustration.

"I'm not done yet! I need to do it just one more time!" I try to resist her picking me up bridal style, but the unending pain in my leg is unforgiving. "Please Chrissie!" I beg.

"Shh. It's okay. It's late anyways, time for bed." I finally give in and just go limp and she manages to carry me up the stairs to my room, placing me on the bed. I keep my eyes closed and my hands around my hip. I feel something soft being placed on my stomach and look up to see an oversized t shirt and Chrissie with my bottle of pain medication. I timidly accept the pills and she offers to help me get dressed.

Having encountered the same situation more than once, she knows exactly what I need. I cry out as she lifts my leg to pull down my leggings.

"I know, I know." She coos. "Have a good sleep, see you tomorrow." She gives me a quick kiss on my forehead before shutting off the light and leaving me alone. My eyes close in exhaustion and I sigh. I can feel the medication working. Continuously numbing my whole body. I start to drift off and I can't help, but hope I don't ever wake up. I can't live another day in such agony.


I know it's short and I took ages to update, sorry..

Shoutout to my bae, Christie for always pushing me to write! ♡

Love you all!

L .xx

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