Chapter 2

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And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, you stopped him again.

"The hell you're talking about..." You mumbled, "I... I'd like to see it for myself... Take me there."

You knew you sounded like a mad woman.

"You're crazy, y/n," a whisper in you head told you but the oddest thing was that you didn't feel it. You were totally sane and completely clearheaded.

This was the most daring thing you had ever done in your life and the most terrifying, too. Yet, you were calmer than ever; more certain about this than anything else.

The man directed a gaze of disbelief at you. His eyes pierced through you as if he was trying to pry into your soul, but when he saw the unwavering look in your eyes, he shook his head.

He failed to understand this little fragile creature before him. Everyone yearned for heaven, yet this girl wished to experience hell? He was simply stupefied. This little girl might be the most intriguing person he'd ever met.

"Yellow, what's your name?" he finally asked.

"Y/N.... Lee Y/N ."

"Y/n..." he echoed your name as he fiddled your yellow scarf again. Your name on his lips sounded so nice.

He seemed to be thinking about something as he looked into your eyes again before a wicked, devastating smile appeared on his glorious face.

"Sorry but..." he started as his gaze once again traveled from your head down to her to toes. "I'm not interested in unattractive girls."

His comment, and that playful smirk on his face aggravated you. You were usually unaffected by these kinds of judgmental comments that boys and girls often threw at you. You simply didn't care what they said about your looks but why was it that this man's comment riled you up this much?

"Just you wait! I will prove to you how attractive I can be!" You were quick to retort. You didn't even know how you managed to speak like this. You were used to not giving any attention to what other people said. You wouldn't even bother justifying yourself so what you were saying right now was actually a shock even to yourself. You didn't know you were capable of speaking this way, until now.

But then, the man's response was another fascinating chuckle.

"Yellow, you really are unbelievable." He said before his expression abruptly shifted again. The corner of his lips turned down in disapproval. "But I'm serious. I'm not into little girls."

"Jia Song is just two years older than me." You argued, not backing down.

"I purposely dressed like this today." You hissed, bravely. If only you knew that you would meet this man at the end of the day, you would've at least made yourself a little more presentable.

"Oh... really?"

"I will show you."

The man snickered, shaking his head. He was looking at you with wonder and disbelief and for a moment, there was a strange and dangerous glimmer in his eyes as he stared at you. But it abruptly disappeared as his hand landed on your head.

"Go home, Yellow. It's late." He smiled and entered his car.

"Wait!" you called out but the man only waved at you before the car left, leaving you astounded and unexpectedly upset.

You were incredibly frustrated. You were pouting, your brows were pulled together as you entered your car. You couldn't understand why that rude man had this unnerving effect on you. Was it because he rejected and mocked your appearance? But you were truly used to this kind of thing. Something like that definitely shouldn't frustrate you to this extent. More importantly, your heart was still pounding. The man was long gone, and yet, you were still nervous?! What was going on? Could it be that this nervousness was the aftershock of her bravery? That was the only sensible reason you could think of.

Shaking your head to clear your mind, you just started the engine when someone knocked on the car's window.

A man was standing there, smiling at you. The man was wearing a black leather jacket and he was also unbelievably pleasing to the eyes. Was there something wrong with this place? Why do overly good looking men keep popping out of nowhere?!

You didn't dare roll down your window. What your eyes looked for first were the locations of the CCTV's. When you spotted one right above her car, you relaxed a little but you were still hesitant.

"You're so damn outrageous y/n! You didn't fear offering yourself to that scary stranger but now you're afraid to open your window to this pleasant looking one?!" you mumbled to yourself, shaking your head, as though you were now convinced that you were crazy.

The man knocked again, flashing his pleasant smile, as if he was using his beauty to lure you out.

'I have something to give you.' You read his lips.

Heaving a sigh, you finally rolled down the car's window.

"Hello, Miss..." he grinned, flashing his white teeth. He was truly another out of this world beauty. Although, to you, that ruthless man still beat him good when you compared their looks.

"What is it? Do you need something?" you asked politely. The man leaned in on you and gave you a piece of paper.

"If you want to meet that man again, just contact me and I'll tell you where to find him," he said, smiling kindly at you. He had a pleasant atmosphere about him that made one not feel that he had any ulterior motives. He looked like the kind of man that would easily entice people with just his sweet smile. Still, you had a hunch that this one was dangerous, too.

"That man?" you creased your brows, trying to confirm, even though you already knew, who he was talking about.

"Mm. That cold man who told you that you're unattractive." He grinned and you blinked at him. Your frustration somehow came back.

"You know him?" you finally asked and the man nodded.

"He's my friend."

"W-why would you want me to meet him?"

"Because you want to show him that his judgement is wrong. So let's just say, I'm helping you prove your point." He grinned again, looking as though he was encouraging you.

You were even more confused but before you could say anything more, he spoke again.

"You don't want to? Did you already change your mind?" he asked, seemingly disappointed.

But the moment he began retracting his hand, you took the piece of paper he was holding out to you.

The man smiled in satisfaction before he moved away. "Bye bye, Miss Yellow! See you!" he waved and then before you knew it, he disappeared from your sight, leaving you blinking in confusion and curiosity as you stared at the note in your hand....

A/N: This writing originally comes from an amazing novel although I'm rewriting this in a fanfic style! THANK YOU FOR READING FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED :)

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