Chapter 7

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At a certain seven-star hotel.

A large, magnificent ballroom had been meticulously set up for what seemed to be a very important and very high class event. The chandeliers that dangled from the ceiling provided little sparkles of light from one end of the room to the other, giving the room a feeling of being under a bright, starry night sky. Many round tables were dotted around the room, decorated tastefully with a red and gold motif, colours of which represented wealth, prosperity and good fortune.

This masquerade ball certainly was a display of wealth and prosperity, from the crystal champagne glasses and silver and gold cutlery to the stunning paintings and decorations on the walls. But that wasn't what caught one's eye! Inside the ballroom were groups of people, each wearing millions of dollars worth of clothing, jewelry and other accessories. The women's jewelry - their earrings, necklaces, bracelets, tiaras, rings - altogether shone brighter than the lights inside the room. Anyone who caught a glimpse inside the room immediately knew that this was a gathering of the most influential, rich and powerful people. And of course, this being a masquerade ball, each person, man and woman, wore a mask which covered a part of or all of their face, adding even more mystery to the already mysterious identities of the people inside.

Walking inside with her hand on Mr. Black Leather Jacket's arm, this was the scene that you were presented with and your eyes became as wide as saucers as your jaw dropped in awe. You had never seen so much extravagance in her life! The tables, the decorations, the people! Oh My God! No wonder Mr. Jeon sent you the dress and jewelry and shoes. He definitely didn't want to be embarrassed by you at this important affair. You were also now extremely grateful that you had asked Kelly to help you dress up tonight, otherwise, you would have felt very out of place; not that you didn't already do so.

You knew that the rich threw parties all the time. Kelly had told you stories of the parties that she had had to attend and you imagined what they would be like in your mind but this... this exceeded your expectations to no end. You never could have imagined such a luxurious affair. You thought parties like this only existed in the fictional books you had read.

You snapped out of your awestruck daze when Mr. Black Leather jacket guided you towards the champagne fountain. He took a glass and gave it to you before taking one for himself.

"Thank you," you said, taking a small sip.

"For the nerves," he replied as a smirk formed on his face.

You were about to look for a certain handsome creature when you felt a strong presence behind you. Your skin tingled and you immediately knew that you didn't need to look for him anymore. Large, smooth hands landed on your shoulders as he leaned in to whisper in your ear.

"May I have this dance?" His deep, sexy, masculine voice sent shivers down your spine and before you could react, Mr. Jeon had already taken your drink and placed it back down on the table. He took your hand and guided you towards the dance floor, where a few other couples were also dancing.

He took one of your hands and smoothly placed it on his lower back and held the other one in his hand. He then slipped his arm behind you and pulled you close to him, leaving no gap between your bodies. Your brain had stopped functioning at this point and all you could do was follow his lead.

You were glad that your grandfather taught you how to dance back when you were a teenager but you never would have thought that you would have to use it on a night like this and with a person like him. You never thought that it would feel like this - exhilarating, intense, magical and so much more. You wondered if Cinderella felt this way when she danced with her prince for the very first time.

Your heart was beating so loudly but strangely, you didn't feel tense. You were dancing with him so smoothly, just following his lead and you knew you shouldn't be amazed but you were. He was just so good at this. The way he touched you, the way he led you, the timing of his every movement were all perfectly in time with the music. He was extremely graceful that even you could tell that his movements could only be formed from constant training from a young age. Not only that, you were sure that it could also be from the constant attendance with other noble people of similar backgrounds at events like this. He was noticeably graceful in his movements and adding to it a slight hint of arrogance that was probably drilled into him from birth, you could not think of anyone else who drew everyone's attention without trying, not even the most amazing and successful actors in the world could compare. He was simply magnificent.

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