Chapter 6

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A smirk carved on the man's face the moment he heard you. He lifted your chin with his cool finger as he spoke. "So that you can pay for the damage to my car?" he asked, his voice sounded dangerous again, chilly even.

"That is... an extra benefit. This was an accident caused by me and I don't have the money to pay you. And... and I really don't want to go to jail."

"So, if I tell you that I forgive you and you don't need to pay for anything, you won't offer yourself again like this?"

You were surprised but quick to realize that this was just a 'what if' scenario he was describing. Could he be testing your resolve? You tried to search for something in his eyes, trying to see if he was serious or just kidding but you couldn't fathom anything from those eyes of his. It was just impossible to decipher his expressions that all you could rely on were your gut feelings. You didn't know why but you just felt like there was both interest and disapproval coming from him as he spoke to you.

"If you forgive me, I'd really really appreciate it. But I'd still want to be your girlfriend." You didn't falter and still insisted on what you wanted.

The man was speechless for a while. To him, this girl was simply intriguing. There were countless girls who wanted him but once he turned them down, and sent them away, they just left him alone like they were scared little bunnies. He knew they were scared. All of the girls in his life had always been fearful of him even though they tried to deny it. He could just sense the fear at the bottom of their hearts, and yet, this girl was... he wondered how long her fearlessness would last if he...

"Tell me, little lamb, why do you want to be my girlfriend that badly?" he asked, his eyes probing.

"Why? Why can't I?" she shrugged innocently. "Tell me, Mr. Jeon, why are you resisting me that badly?"

"Pfft! Hahaha, nice comeback, Miss Lee." The man behind the car was grinning widely as he butted in, watching them with great interest.

But the two were so focused on each other that they didn't even seem to hear the third wheel's voice across them.

"I don't understand why you are refusing to try me, Mr. Jeon. I am not an actress like Miss Song but I know I don't look that bad compared to her." You bravely said. You were speaking to him so confidently even though deep within you, you were the one being surprised by yourself the most.
Perhaps, the almost outrageous praises you were always receiving from her family and Kelly about how beautiful you were was boosting your confidence? She didn't know. You really had no idea that you could even talk like this. Since meeting this man, you just kept on doing things you had never done before.

At that moment, the man just stared at you, his eyes unreadable as he continued to gaze with probing intensity into your eyes and then a soft, enchanting chuckle left his mouth. You kept your eyes on him and noted that his laughter didn't reach his eyes.

He leaned in on you, not breaking the eye contact. His enchanting face loomed closer, so close that his breath drifted over your face, leaving you dumbstruck.

"Lee Y/N..." he uttered your complete name. "You're right... I remember when you said you'll show me how attractive you can be. I might as well give you a chance to at least prove yourself." He smirked wickedly. His fingers played with your yellow scarf again before he leaned away. No matter how you tried, you just couldn't read anything from him at all; his wicked smirks, his enchanting chuckles, his beautiful icy eyes – they were not giving anything away, not even a tiny glimpse of his thoughts.

Somehow, You managed to react immediately, not letting his spell bind your heart and mind completely.

"Mm. I'll show you." You said, your chin was up confidently, showing him all your intensity and determination, causing the man to chuckle again.

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