Chapter 5

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You saved the number as Mr. Black Leather Jacket on your contact list.

You wanted to send him a message but you didn't know what to even ask. Should you shamelessly ask for the man's address? No, no, that would be too creepy! Then how would you meet him?

Before you knew it, you drifted to sleep without even accomplishing your goal for the night. In the end, you didn't send Mr. Black Leather Jacket a single message.

The next morning, you woke up early as always. After eating breakfast with your family, you then drove to work.

You spent a pleasant morning with the kids at the orphanage that day. As always, you felt, at the very least, recharged and filled with energy. Perhaps being with the happy and innocent little kids throughout the day filled your heart with pure happiness.

When you left the orphanage, you boarded in her car and headed towards home. You wanted to go home early today. Even though you had forgotten about your plan of sending Mr. Black Leather a message, that man, that mystifying, outrageously gorgeous Mr. Jeon's face still popped occasionally in your head. Strangely, you couldn't completely take him off your mind despite being busy the entire day.

When you drove back home, ice had already covered the roads so you drove slowly. Your house was located outside the city so you had to travel an hour from the orphanage to your house. Your grandparents were old and they wanted a quiet place to live, away from the rumbling noise of the city, that was why they chose to live in this somewhat secluded place.

The road home was pretty empty at this time. Since your house was located near a protected national park, the road back home would travel across a forested area. In fact, the entire place was surrounded by thick, green trees.

The icy road was definitely dangerous but you were already used to it and you were always a careful driver. Your car was pretty slow despite the road being almost empty.

As you turned into the straight road in the middle of a forested area, you accelerated a little when, out of the blue, you saw a deer run across the road in front of you. You immediately stepped on the brake pedal but it looked like you might have reacted too late. You were sure you were going to hit it.

However, before you knew it, your tires squealed as you swerved and thankfully, you avoided hitting the deer, barely. But then, in the next second, you heard a loud deafening thud. Your car crashed into something - into another car.

The car you hit screeched towards the right and it hit the tree by the roadside. Your car finally halted and thanks to your seatbelt, you were safe. You didn't even get a scratch.

You breathed deeply. Your heart was racing and you even felt your hands trembling. You forced yourself to calm down. What came first in your mind was the person in the other car so you immediately looked for the other car and when you saw that it had hit a tree, your heart pounded in nervousness. Oh my god! Are they okay?

You didn't waste a moment and stepped out of your car. You frantically rushed towards the black car, praying that everyone on board was safe.

As you approached the car, the car's door opened. A man around his 50's came out and he didn't seem to be hurt. Thank god!

He looked very formal in his black suit, almost looking like those butlers in television dramas.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry... I was trying to avoid hitting the deer and this happened." You were panicking as you apologized. You knew this was trouble but what else could you do?

The old man just sighed, creasing his brows upon seeing the damaged car. You somehow calmed down upon seeing that the old man seemed carefree and not worried at all. You then followed his line of sight and as soon as you saw what kind of car it was, your jaw dropped.

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