Chapter 4

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When you arrived home, your family was waiting for you in the living room, watching their favorite TV show.

They then had another pleasant and peaceful dinner before you finally went in her room.

After taking a shower, you lay in your bed. You had been thinking about that man all night, even when you were in the shower. Strangely, you couldn't stop. Was it because he rejected you? Probably not. Maybe, it was because of his ever so striking appearance? The probability was high.

You couldn't help but think that he wasn't real as you remembered every feature of his face very clearly in your head. You then lifted the note that pleasant man in black jacket gave you and stared at it for a long while.

As you lay there, your eyes finally drifted close. The next thing you knew the sun was already streaming through her windows.

You rose and did your usual routine; arranged your bed, helped your grandmother prepare their breakfast, and after eating together, you got ready for work, kissed your family goodbye before you drove back to the city.

After you graduated from college, you volunteered to work at the Morning Sun orphanage. Your family co-founded that orphanage and you had become a part time volunteer since high school. Your job was mainly assisting the teachers during class time. You were assigned to read books to the kids on the weekdays, except Fridays, and you loved what you were doing. You had grown to care very much about the children and you treated them as your family. You were truly happy extending any help for as long as you were able.

It was Monday so the kids that hadn't seen you for three days were excited to see you. They embraced you one by one in the hall way as soon as they saw you.

"Miss y/n! We missed you." the youngest in the bunch, Ara, kissed your cheek.

"I missed you too, darling. Now, let's get inside. Your teacher is coming."

You assisted Mrs. Jang, the kids' teacher, the whole day. You read the story of "The little prince" this time and when the class was over, you headed to a coffee shop near the orphanage.

You had sent Kelly, your friend, a message last night that you wanted to talk to her about something so you planned to meet at this shop - your and her favorite meeting place since college.

"How are you? You were pretty drunk last night." You were looking at Kelly with a raised brow.

"Do I look that bad?"


"Don't lie, y/n. I made sure that my eye bags are perfectly covered!" she huffed and you could only chuckle. Your friend Kelly Yang was insanely rich. You didn't really know why and how the two of you, who were worlds apart from each other had become the best of friends.

Kelly during college was definitely envied by many. She was pretty, super rich and had lots of suitors. However, she was alone at school. Only boys who wanted to hit on her approached her and the ladies avoided her like the plague. When you began talking to her and you eventually became close, the students started calling you Kelly's maid. You couldn't blame them. You did look like a maid compared to the fashionable and sophisticated Kelly. But you didn't really care. You knew that Kelly was a good person and she was Your friend no matter what anyone said.

Back then, Kelly was the one who kept being enraged every time people mocked you. She even insisted on dressing You up - god only knew how many times she had begged you - but you refused her again and again until the girl eventually gave up.

"So? What's the agenda? I'm really curious, you know? You calling me out like this is soooo rare." Kelly sipped on her drink as she looked at you with narrowed eyes.

Letting out a deep sigh, you pressed her lips tightly before you looked at your friend.

"I have found a man." You said and Kelly choked. "Careful, Kelly!"

"Cough, cough... what did you say? Y-you? You found a man? You?!" Kelly looked like she just heard something so damn unbelievable.

"Calm down. Don't be too loud."

"Oh my god, y/n, how can I be calm right now?! You... my ever so innocent y/n finally found a man you like?!"

"Well, I still can't say if I like him but... he's the man I've been looking for and... he's the one I want,"

"Wow, this is unbelievable. Who is he? Who is this man that caught my dearest y/n's eyes? Huh?" Kelly was so excited.

"Actually, I failed to get his name. All I know is that his surname is Jeon." Your response made Kelly pout but she was quick to bounce back to being excited and asked you about how and where you saw him.

You told her that you saw the man in the garage of Kelly's apartment building last night. But of course, you didn't say anything about the drama you saw and the outrageous thing you did.

"That man is... he is super handsome. I wonder if he's some kind of celebrity. But I don't think he's one or I would know about him."

"Wow, now I'm dying with curiosity. This is the first time you praised a man's looks, you know?"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Hello... you really haven't cared about men before, y/n! You don't even look at them! Okay, so? What are you gonna do about this super handsome, Mr. Jeon?"

Kelly's brow lifted again. She was so damn intrigued and she looked like she was very much more animated than you about this.

You looked down at your hand wrapped around the lemonade bottle. You looked like you were considering something vital in your head while your friend was impatiently waiting for you.

"I..." you started as you looked up to her friend, looking serious. "I want him to be my boyfriend."

For a while, Kelly gaped at you. It seemed like she was shocked. But the moment she recovered, a huge, bright smile curved up on her face.

"Okay! That's my girl! You're finally hearing my advice. My innocent bun finally learned to become daring!"

Kelly was happy and for some reason, proud, like a happy mother who had just witnessed her child finally learning to walk on her own for the first time.

"Kelly, I want to impress him so I want to ask you to -"

"Darling... leave it to me. I promise to dress you up and turn you into the most stunning woman on Earth!"

After their talk, you told Kelly that you would contact her once you decided to meet him. Kelly offered to help you get him but you simply told her that you had to learn how to do it yourself which of course, made your friend beam happily again.

"Okay, just call me if you need help, okay? And about your outfit, don't even worry about it. I will make sure that handsome man will fall in love with you at first sight," was all Kelly promised before the two of you parted.

You couldn't tell her friend that you were not trying to make him fall for her at all. You also didn't say anything negative about the man. You didn't tell your that he was heartless and cold. You didn't tell her that he told her he didn't like her. And most of all, you didn't tell her that the man was dangerous because you knew that if Kelly found out what kind of man you chose, she would surely go against it. Kelly had always been protective of you so you could already foresee her reaction if she found out about the strange and mysterious man you had chosen.

It was already dark when you arrived home. Her family waited for you again before you all ate dinner together.

Once in you room, you took the piece of paper out from your drawer. You stared at the number and typed it on your phone.

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