Chapter I

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We raced to the village on our ilu's, gliding through the water. We get to the patch of sand where the family is standing with their ikrans. I unhook my queue from my ilu, Mira, and peek my head out of the water. I am nervous because I have never seen na'vi that look like me before.

Tsireya walks out of the water and moves her hair out of her face. She turns to look at me to see I am not there. She looks in the water and waves at me to come up with her.

"Come on! Let's go meet the new family!" Tsireya says as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of the water. She drags me over to the family. We stand next to Ao'nung and Rotxo. The boys are making fun of the family.

"Ao'nung! Rotxo! Stop being rude." I tell them. They look at me and Ao'nung apologizes.

I look over to the family to see them all staring at me. There were two boys around my age, a girl around my age, another girl who seemed to be about 7 years old, and the parents. The younger son goes to say something to me before he gets cut off by my father flying over their heads on a skimwing.

"I see you, Tonowari" The father says, putting his hand to his head to gesture the saying.

"Jake Sully"

My mother comes up to the family from the crowd. Jake gestures to her, saying "I see you".

"What do you want from us, Jake Sully?"

"We seek uturu."

"Uturu?" My father repeats.

"Sanctuary for my family." Jake asks my father and mother to let his family live here with us. My mom tells them their skills are no use here. Jake gestures towards me.

"You have a forest na'vi living with you and she seems to know what she is doing."

"Do not bring my daughter into this."

"Your daughter-"

My mom notices the children that have five fingers. She cuts him off.

"These children aren't even true na'vi. They have demon blood in them!"

Gasps were heard all around the crowd. Everyone started murmuring and speaking to each other.

"Look! Look! I was born of the sky people and now I am na'vi. You can adapt! We will adapt." He speaks, showing his hand to everyone. We see that he has five fingers as well.

"My husband was Toruk Makto." The mother, now known as Neytiri, speaks up. "He lead the clans to victory against the sky people."

My mother and father silently discuss what to do with the family standing in front of us.

"Uturu has been asked." Neytiri speaks again.

"The Sully's will stay with us. Consider them our brothers and sisters. They do not know the sea, so they will be like baby taking their first breath."

Jake turns to his family. "What do we say?" They let out a chorus of 'thank you's'.

"My son Ao'nung, and my daughters, Ayn'at and Tsireya will guide your children."

"But father, why-" Ao'nung complains, but gets interrupted by my dad.

"It has been decided."

Tsireya comes up to them excitedly. She grabs the sons hands and drags them with her.

"Come. I will show you our village!"

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