We bring the family to the hut they will be staying in. We set their bags down and leave to let them get settled in.
Neytiri's POV:
"Ma Jake, did you hear what the daughters name was? The one that looks like us." I asked my husband in a hushed whisper. We stood away from the kids, speaking quietly so they couldn't hear us.
"Yes. But we can not know for sure unless we see if she has the tattoo on her neck."
"How do we find out?"
"We could ask her?" Jake says with a 'duh' look on his face.
"Jake, we cannot just ask her to show us her neck! She does not trust us. She would become suspicious!" I look at my mate in disbelief. I shake my head as we get our children in a huddle to speak to them about behaving.
Ayn'at's POV:
I got back to my hut with my family. Tomorrow we are going to start teaching the Sully's our ways. I laid in bed and thought about what happened today. A new family came, and they look like me. It's crazy.
I closed my eyes and rolled over. I thought about the new family until I fell asleep.
The sun rays shine bright on my eyelids. I groan and open my eyes. I took a second to think about where I am. Then I remembered, oh the new family is here! we have to teach them today!
I walk out of my room and wake up Tsireya. Once she is awake and jumping around I walk to Ao'nung's room. Ao'nung's room is dark and gloomy. The only source of light being the sun shining through the small window in the wall.
I walk over to his bed and pulled the blanket off of him. I shake his body and smack his back with my tail. He rolls over to look at me.
"What was that for?!" He asks incredulously.
"It's time to get up. We are helping Toruk Makto's family today!"
Ao'nung groans and rolls his eyes. He grabs the closest thing to him, being his pillow, and threw it at me. It hit me in the head and I grabbed it to smack him with it. This started a pillow fight and we fought for 10 minutes. I look at the and realize we were 5 minutes late already.
"Ao'nung! We need to go or we are gonna miss the lesson!"
"Then let's just miss it. It's going to be boring anyways. They are all freaks." Ao'nung flops back onto his bed.
I grab his hands and pull him up.
"We have to go or we will get in trouble. Also, don't call them freaks. It's rude."
We go outside where the sun blinds us. We run over to dock where we are meeting the Sully children. When we get there Tsireya looks at us with her hands on her hips.
"Nice of you to finally show up." She says with a sarcastic attitude and a giggle.
I smile. "I'm sorry. Ao'nung didn't want to get up, and then we got into a pillow fight for 10 minutes."
"Is Rotxo coming? I don't see him here."
"He's coming. He should be here any minute now."
Speak of the devil. Rotxo shows up just as we were talking about him. He walks over to us and puts his arm around my shoulders. I tense up and look at the ground. I have a crush on Rotxo, and I have since we were 9. The only person who knows I like him is Tsireya. I look up from the ground to see Tsireya smirking at me and wiggling where her eyebrows would be. Us na'vi don't have body hair so we do not have eyebrows.
"Let's get this show on the road. Or into the water instead." Rotxo laughs, breaking the awkward silence.
Tsireya and Ao'nung dive in first, followed by Rotxo, and then me. We swim to the ocean floor and wait for the boys and girls to jump in. I learned their names are Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tuktirey or Tuk for short.
They jump in the water with a small yelp of excitement. They look around them and study the life in the water. I look at the plants glowing and the fish swimming around. The fish are used to people being in the water so they don't swim away when we jump in.
We start swimming, looking back to check on the newcomers every once in a while. We notice them swimming to the surface. They break through the water and look back down at us.
"come swim with us" Tsireya signs to them. Lo'ak shrugs, telling us they don't understand our sign language. Tsireya waves a hand to follow us. They take a breath of air before swimming back down to us.
We swim a little further before they swim back up to the surface for more air.
"What's wrong with them?" Ao'nung signs to us.
"They are bad divers." Rotxo signs back, answering his question.
"Stop. They're learning." I tell them, making the boys stop talking about them. We swim up to the surface to check on them.
"Are you okay?"
"You're too fast. Wait for us!" Tuktirey says.
"Just breathe. Breathe." Tsireya tells them.
Ao'nung breaks through the surface and laughs at them.
"You are not good divers. You may be good at swinging through trees."
I reach over and smack him in the back of the head. He rolls his eyes at me and shoves me back. I laugh and roll my eyes at him.
"Come on, bro. We don't speak this.... finger talk." Neteyam, the oldest son, says looking at us. "We don't know what you're saying."
"I will teach you." Tsireya offers. I put my hand on her shoulder and speak up.
"We will teach you." I say, putting emphasis on 'we'. Tsireya always offers to do things for people. It's part of the reason she is so nice but she forgets to include people sometimes, which is why I had to add the 'we' part of her sentence.
"Where is Kiri?"
"Kiri. Where is Kiri?"
"Did you see her?"
We all break away and look for her. Everyone is calling out her name.
I swim through the coral and find Kiri admiring the sea creatures. I tap her shoulder and point to the surface. We swim up and I let her know we were going to ride ilu. She agrees with coming and we swim to the dock. We see everyone standing on the dock waiting on us.
Rotxo reaches down and helps me out of the water. Neteyam doing the same with Kiri. I smile at Rotxo and walk over to Tsireya. We hang back a bit as everyone walks to the ilu.
"Did you see that?!" I whisper yell to Tsireya. Rotxo actually touched me, and it sent me into an excited panic.
Tsireya giggles and we run to catch up to everyone.

The Truth About Me
Fanfiction!TEMPORARILY DISCONTINUED! In which Ayn'at is part of the Metkayina clan. When the Sully's show up one day, she realizes she is more alike to them than she thought. Ayn'at te Sully Neytiri'ite was born from Neytiri. When she was a baby, she was take...