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"You got who!?" Luke and Ashton said together.
"A-Ashton." I said again.
"No no no! Mrs. Wilson this has got to change!" Ashton said raising his hand and talking without being called on.
"No changes. I already told Haylee."
Ashton turned and looked at me.
"You asked her to change me?" Hr said sounding somewhat hurt.
"Yes." I said just above a whisper.
"Why? What's so wrong with me?" He asked.
I didn't say anything.
"Maybe the fact that you bully her all the time." Luke mumbled.
"Are you forgetting that you bullied her to Luke." Ashton said.
"But she forgave me and we are best friends now." He said.
Luke was standing up for himself and me!
"More like lovebirds." Ashton laughed and turned back around.
"Will you stop! Just stop! I tell you time and time again that we are just friends!" Luke yelled.
"That's enough! Ashton you and Haylee are partners and that's final! No one is changing!" Mrs. Wilson yelled.
I was proud of Luke. I looked at him but he didn't notice me on the count of him mumbling and being mad.
"Luke." I whispered.
"Thank you."
"For what?" He asked.
"Being my friend. What you just did. Being you." I made a small list.
"Shut up Haz." He smiled.
"I love you to Luke." I laughed and class continued on.

When the bell rang I grabbed my things and walked out with Luke. We were talking and all of the sudden I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to Ashton.
"What now." I mumbled.
"What was that?" He said.
"I um-what do you need?" I asked.
"Well now that we have to be together for the project I was- oh my god I can't believe I'm about to ask this- do you want to come over tomorrow after school?" He asked.
"Um..sure I guess." I said looking down.
"Okay. I'll just drive you to my house after school. So um. Bye." Ashton said and started to walk away.
"Oh and one more thing." He said
I looked up.
He pushed me causing me to fall back but before I fell Luke caught me.

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