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I woke up from the strange dream again. Everything was just the same as before. When I woke up I tried to sit up but had a splitting headache. I was laying in my bed with Ashton holding me and Luke sitting in front of me.
"She's waking up." Luke half smiled.
"Good." Ashton said squeezing me a little.
"W-what happened?" I mumbled holding my head.
"Um, well I kinda punched you." Luke frowned.
"We were fighting and you jumped in to break us up and he hit you." Ashton explained.
My vision became more clear and I got a good look at Luke. He had a black eye and a little scratch on his chin. I looked up at Ashton and he was fine. It was clear who had won.
"Can you hand me a mirror?" I asked Ashton.
"I got it." Luke said going to my nightstand and getting it.
I looked at my face. I had a dark purple bruise forming right above my left eye.
Thanks a lot Luke.
Ashton kissed my forehead.
"I'm going to go." Luke said.
"No it's fine you don't have to." I said.
"Yeah. I'll text you later Haylee." He smiled and walked out.
"Do you need anything?" Ashton asked.
"I think I'm good right now." I smiled feeling a bit better than I did.
He leaned down and kissed me. The kiss started to get heated.
"Woah. Hey. Calm down okay?" I said pulling away.
"What do you mean?" He said.
"I don't know if to realized it but I just got knocked out by my best friend who thought he was in love with me and kissed me but he really isn't." I said.
"Haylee come on." He leaned in again.
"No Ashton." I said.
"Fine. I'll call you later." He said getting up.
"Wait you don't have to leave." I said.
"I said I'll call you later Haylee." He said and left.
I was alone. Alone for once. I laid in my bed looking up at the chipped white ceiling. It took me a while to realize I was crying. So much had happened from me talking with Ashton about my mom I never seen to Luke kissing me to getting knocked out. I just needed to cry. Then it hit me. I realized what my dreams meant. A way of emotion washed over me and I realized what I had to do.

-Sorry to leave you hanging! I will update tomorrow but there is going 1 or 2 more chapters!! So it's nearing the end and the way I have it planned it's drama filled!!! I hope those of you reading like it and I'll update again tomorrow I promise! -Lyndsey

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