Chapter 5

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After sometime my parents were in a conversation with the two leaders, the women then began circling us.
"Their arms and tails are weak, they will not be able to keep up." She spoke with an attitude.
This made my blood boil. What makes her think she has a right to speak of us.
"And look, they aren't even true Na'vi. They have demon blood" she said while holding up Kiri's hand.
The people around us gasped and began hissing. My tail began thrashing around, I was pissed. She then began walking towards me. Oh hell no. This bitch was not about to touch me. I let out a growl in my throat, not taking my eye off of her. She then looked at my bandage around my leg.
"And it looks like the future leader is already wounded." She said staring at my head piece. I glared at her.
The next few minutes was spent by dad trying to convince the leaders to let us stay. The leaders looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes. After sometime they had decided to let us stay. I was relieved that I didn't have to fly again.
"My daughter Tsireya, and son Ao'nung will show you our ways." The male leader spoke.
"What. Why me?" The boy who's name was Ao'nung asked.
"It has been decided" the male responded.
The girl Tsireya had then ran up to me and grabbed my hand.
"Follow me, I will show you guys our village!" She said excitedly.
I looked over at Lo'ak and I could tell he was jealous. I laughed at him and so did Neteyam. We were walking across this bouncy platform when we came to a stop.
"Okay we are here! This is where you are staying! Let us know if you have any questions" Tsireya said to us.
"Thank you" my father said to her.
She nodded and then walked away with Ao'nung. We went into the hut and set our stuff up. Tuk walked up to me reaching her arms up signaling that she wanted to be picked up. I picked her up and she told me that she wanted to go home.
"This is our home now Tuk" dad told her while walking up to us and hugging us. Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, and mom followed.
                               -a little while later-
"Just remember to stay out if trouble" dad told us.
"Don't worry I'll make sure nothing happens" I told him. Tsireya had then showed up at the door super excited with a very annoyed looking Ao'nung beside her and I boy named Rotxo beside him.
"We will began training now if you are ready" she spoke up. We nodded and before I stepped out of the hut I gave dad an assured look that I would take care of them. We walked to the end of the dock and Tsireya had asked us our names.
We each said our names and Tsireya nodded.
"You all have such beautiful names" she told us. "My parents names are Ronal and Tonowari in case you were wondering ." she told us before jumping into the water ever so gracefully, followed by the two other boys. The rest of us looked at each other before jumping in after them, not so gracefully. When I opened my eyes it looked like I was in heaven. It was so gorgeous.
     Tsireya waved at us to follow her so we did. After a few minutes we had to resurface to get air. Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo were confused at why we were rushing to the top. We went back under and they started doing weird motions with their hands at us. I just gave a confused look. Tsireya pointed towards the surface and we swam up after her. We all resurfaced.
    "You're too fast, Wait for us" Tuk said while wiping her eye that had water in it. Ao'nung then came up.
     "You are not good divers, maybe swinging through trees-" Ao'nung said before getting hit by Tsireya. He glared at her which made me laugh.
     "We don't speak this finger talk. We don't know what you're saying" Lo'ak and Neteyam complained.
    "Where's Kiri" Rotxo then asked sounding worried.
    "Who" Ao'nung asked.
    "Kiri, where is Kiri" he responded back.
    I looked around and noticed that my sister was gone. I went under the water and looked around, I had then spotted her. She was playing with the fish and was unharmed.
     "She is alright" I said, coming back up from the water. "She is just playing with the fish."
     "Come on follow us" Tsireya told us.
     "What about Kiri?" Rotxo asked nervously.
     "She will be fine" I assured him. It looked like to me that he had a crush on my sister. I looked at Neteyam and giggled, he did the same. We swam up closer towards the shore. Neteyam had picked up Tuk and listened to Ao'nung explaining something. He began to make weird noises that attracted these big fish creatures.
     "These are Ilu. If you want to live here you have to ride." Ao'nung told us. We each got assigned a teacher. Neteyam got Ao'nung, Lo'ak got Tsireya, and I got Rotxo. Neteyam placed Tuk on the sand and walked back over to us. Rotxo told me how I should sit on the Ilu and how to stay on it when riding.
     "So who's going first" Ao'nung asked looking around.
     "I will" Lo'ak spoke out. He swam over towards Ao'nung and made the bond. He got up onto the Ilu and grabbed ahold of the handle that Tsireya pointed too.
     "Ilu are like Ikran, you just tell the Ilu what to do." Ao'nung told him. Lo'ak just rolled his eyes. We all watched as he took off under the water, but he soon fell off. I tried to hold in my laugh but I let out a giggle, so did Rotxo. I looked over to see Tsireya giggling and Ao'nung nearly crying of laughter.
     Lo'ak came to stand beside me while glaring at everyone.
     "Maybe you need a little more practice little bro" I told him while trying not to laugh.
     "Fine maybe you should go next then" he spat back. I lifted an eyebrow.
     "Fine" I told him while walking over to Ao'nung with Rotxo by my side. I began to get onto the Ilu and as a was reaching back to get my braid I had noticed that Ney was glaring at Ao'nung who was staring at me.
     "What makes you think that you will be able to do it, you're  just the princess of your family it's not like you had to do any hard training." Ao'nung spat out.
     "Oh you have no idea" I spat back while hitting him in the face with my tail. Rotxo chuckled at my action and so did the rest of the people around. He rolled his eyes.
     "Fine then give it a try" he said with a snickering look on his face. I made the bond with the Ilu and scooted into position where Rotxo had told me to sit  and I put my hands in position. I then told the Ilu to go. We were gliding through the water effortlessly and I had looked back to see a happy Rotxo, Tsireya, and Ney. But a not so happy Ao'nung and Lo'ak. I turned around and began to swim back.
     "Beginners luck" Ao'nung said sounding annoyed.
     "Whatever" Lo'ak said while also sounding annoyed.
     "You all have the rest of the day off, we start training again tomorrow" Tsireya told us. Me and all of my siblings including Kiri walked back to the shore.
     "I'm going back up to the hut to nap" Neteyam had told me.
     "I'm coming with you" Lo'ak said.
     "Take Tuk with you, she also needs to nap" I told them. Neteyam picked up Tuk and they began to walk back.
     "So Rotxo was asking about you today" I said trying to start a conversation.
     "He did?" She asked me confused but with an excited look on her face. I nodded. She smiled to herself. She then walked over to the water and sat down with her face in the water looking at the sand. I followed her and sat beside her. We sat there for about thirty minutes until I heard a familiar laugh. I turned my head to see that it was Ao'nung and three other boys with him. Kiri had then sat up in the water.
     "Look at that freak" one of the boys said.
     "Hey. Watch your mouth." I said to them while standing infront of my sister.
    "We are only speaking the truth, I mean look at her she has five fingers, she's an alien" Ao'nung said while one of his friends reached behind me and grabbed her hands. She smacked him off though.
     "Leave us alone" Kiri said about to cry.
     "Or what?" The boy asked.
     "I don't think you wanna find out" I said with a serious look on my face, my ears were pinned to the side of my head and my tail was hitting the ground really hard.
     "Oooooo what is the princess gonna do? Fight us?" Ao'nung said while he laughed with the rest of the boys.
     "Yes" I said before swinging at his head. I hit him three times hard and knocked him down to the ground. He looked at me in shock. One of his friends charged at me but I dogged him by kneeing him in the ribs and punching him in the face, I had knocked him out. The three other boys ran at me and  I hit one in the face while being brought down by Ao'nung tackling me. He was on top of me throwing punches at my face. I reached up and head budded him and made him fall back, that gave me a chance to get on top. But before I could throw a punch, one of the other boys were pulling me by my tail, I held onto Ao'nungs ear and he shouted.
    "OW MY EAR"
    "LET GO OF MY TAIL" we shouted.
    I flipped myself around still holding onto Ao'nungs ear and kicked the boy that held my tail in the face sending him backwards into the water. I had noticed that the other boy had ran away and the other two were knocked out. It was just me and Ao'nung. I looked to see if Kiri was still there. She wasn't. I thought that she probably went to go get help but I was caught off guard and got hit in the back of the knees which made me fall over. Ao'nung flipped me over and then put his foot on the wound that was on my thigh. He found your week spot. You let out a yelp.
    "I didn't know the princess could fight" he said before grabbing me by my hair and dragging me towards the water. I tried to hit his hands off but i was too week. He shoved me into the water and put his hands on my throat and pushed me under the water. I tried to fight back but I was too weak. I searched around the water with my hands until I found a rock, I picked it up and slammed it into his head making him get off of me. I arose from the water gasping for air. I had then notice him pull out his knife. Oh shit.
  "That's not fair play" I said still gasping for air.
    "Neither was you and your family showing up." He said. That hurt me.
    "Do you think that I chose to do that?!" I yelled at him. He didn't respond. He looked like he was about to through a tantrum. He yelled and put his knife back up and walked away. I signed in relief. I looked at myself through the reflection in the water, I was bleeding a little in the face but that was nothing compared to the rest of my body. I looked at my bandage and saw that it was filled with blood. I took it off and saw that my cut had reopened, I put pressure on it while scooting towards a nearby tree. I propped myself up against the tree and I then heard a few people yell my name. It was my family. I felt relieved.

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