Chapter 19

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Asher sat with Leon as Aino scolded them, both were clawed and glaring at each other.

Jynx broke through the bushes, actually making a sound, and ran up to Aino.

She looked at Asher and Leon, "Woah, what happened to you?"

"Leon called you odd, so I beat them up!" Asher proudly stated.

"More like you tried chasing Jynx down and I told you to stop," Leon calmly replied.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have said she was looking for the poltergeist of her family!" Asher yelled

"Enough. You two are grounded when we're in the de--" Aino was cut off.

"Hold on just a second Aino," Jynx said, slipping the box off her back and unsheathing her claws, "What did he say, Asher?"

"You were looking for the po-- Jynx, what's that scent on you?" Asher sniffed, soon Leon did.

"I'll tell you as soon as you repeat what Leon said!" Jynx growled.

"You were looking for the poltergeist of your family." Asher quoted Leon.

"I see. Leon, you have 2 seconds to take it back."

"Yeah, okay I take it back." Leon yawned.

"Leon is only like this cause you guys made him run around and not sleep." Aino stated.

Leon just said, "Bingo."

"Okay. As for the scent." Jynx said, pushing the box in front of her.

Asher sniffed Jynx and soon the box, "But yours is different!"

Jynx opened the box. "I found the hunters who killed my family. They kept the skins. I was gonna make a burial for them."

"Jynx wait. Asher is right." Aino sniffed Jynx, "It's almost like the scent of a human but not.. Who did you run into..?"

"A...human?" Jynx hesitated, backing up slightly.

Aino was silent for a moment. She shut her eyes and hummed.

"I-I didn't kill anyone!" Jynx said frantically. "Stop doing that!"

"Doing what? I'm trying to remember what I read before.."

"Why are you humming?"

Aino soon spoke ignoring the question, "I remember now. Long ago a raccoon prince and princess lived, but the prince envied the princess for she was next in line for the throne. He put a spell to be able to shape shift. Luckily the princess got away, for the prince still seeks this day."

"That's a bunch of hocus pocus. Everyone knows that's just a story that the lions tell to keep their cubs from leaving the pride at night."

"Jynx, lead me to this place where you met a 'human' please." Aino demanded.

Jynx thought about how Bob said the other hunters wanted to kill them, and kept quiet.

"I'll just follow your scent then." Aino grabbed Asher, following the scent.

"NO!" Jynx yelled.

"What's wrong Jynx?" Asher asked.

"There's danger there. DON'T GO!"

"We fought off a dragon, we'll survive!" Asher giggled.

"They're hunters! They have GUNS!"

Aino simply growled, and ran off with Asher.

Jynx growled frustratedly, and ran a different, but quicker way. When she got to the hunters shed, she went to the place where they all hung out. Pridefully, she trotted into the cabin.

"Boss, should we let Bob sleep in the woods?" A hunter asked.

Jynx stood closer to listen to the conversation, making sure she was not visible at the same time.

"If he wants to be stubborn, he can go rogue."

"I'm gonna go practice my aim to get my mind off this." A hunter nearly walked out, but froze.

A rustle was heard in the bushes. Jynx frantically jumped into vision and started yapping.

"WHAT ARE YOU IDIOTS DOING!? SHOOT IT!" The chief yelled, the hunters nodded and picked up their guns.

As gunshots flew, Jynx was jumping around like a maniac. She dodged the bullets from hitting her vitals, but was slightly scarred from them scratching her.

Bob walked out and quickly stood in front of Jynx, "Stop it! This fox isn't the same breed. I inspected it, it's a common fox."

The chief rolled his eyes, "Fine."

Jynx bit Bob, and even thought he couldn't understand her, she yelled,


"I will not back off." Bob turned around and glared at Jynx.

Jynx stopped cold in her tracks, "Y-you can understand me?"

Bob stayed silent, and acted like he didn't. He soon picked up Jynx and put them in the bush, "Go back to your friends."

"No point. They're here."Jynx said, glaring behind Bob angrily.

Bob walked back to the other hunters and brought them inside, he soon looked at Jynx and smirked, shutting the door behind him.

Aino walked out the bush, and Asher jumped down, "What were you thinking?!" Aino sighed and placed them on her back carrying them back to camp.

Jynx immediately jumped out. "What I was thinking was to save YOUR behinds. I told you there was danger there, but you didn't listen. Who am I kidding? When have you ever?!" They yelled.

"I listen! You didn't let us sneak around to listen!" Asher exclaimed.

"If they saw you, you would join my family! You guys aren't good at staying undercover!" Jynx scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Well maybe it would've been better if you just left! You already pushed us aside enough!" Asher yelled.

Jynx had a brief moment of shock. She then blinked back tears. Narrowing their eyes, they growled,

"Okay, I'll leave."

Asher rolled his eyes and walked back to his tent, Leon followed, "Hey weren't you mean to her?"

Jynx stared at Asher for a moment, then jumped into the bush. 

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