Houston, Texas

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Question Of The Day: What's your favorite 90's movie?

Hey, guys. You're probably like, 'Omg. What the fuck! It's not Sunday or midnight and she updated'. Well I'll tell you why I'm updating.

My parents have decided that we are are going to go to Houston in the middle of the flipping week. It's called vacation.

I can't go on vacation because 1) Its so boring where we're going. 2) I need to talk to Alyssa.

My grandparents are in Houston and don't get me wrong, I love my grandparents but it gets crazy and boring. All my family knows about my sexual orientation and they always bombard me with questions.

Have you found yourself a girlfriend? How does the whole lesbian thing work, again? So you don't like boys?

It's boring because they just sit around and watch TV. So boring.

Right now, we're driving there. So I'll update on what happened when I got there, tomorrow. (My parents are currently trying to decide what 90's movie was better.)

A/n; I just sort of posted my Perrentes. It'd be very much appreciated if you go and check it out. First chapter will be out soon.

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