chapter two - partay

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"Sorry, what's your major again?" This random dude named Connor asks me. I went to the kitchen to take another shot and then this guy started talking to me. I mean he is cute I'll give him that. He's got big brown eyes and very messy fluffy hair that I could ruffle my hands through for days.

"Uh..." I have to pause to think about my major for a quick second, until I remember my family. "Oh! Business! You?" I take a sip of the maybe my fourth Budlight. I really don't mind the taste of beer but I've come to the conclusion that it just stops having a taste after you've had a few. So I'm practically drinking water.

"Really? Do you have any interest in business or are you still deciding on your major?" I internally laugh and have to bite back my tongue because I don't want to accidentally spill the beans on my family.

"Man, I don't know," I sigh and take another sip. He chuckles at this. "I just wanna make money," I say the only logical things that comes to my mind as I take another sip of my beer.

"Right on!" Connor exclaims as he high fives me. "Are you a freshman?" He asks me but before I can tell him I feel someone grab my forearm and I'm suddenly being pulled away from Connor.

"Bye Connor!" I yell at him as I turn to see long brown hair and I quickly register that it's Cora.

"Cora," I complain and stomp my feet as she pulls me through the crowd.

"Riley, my brother and his hockey friends are here, you have to meet them!" She yells trying her best to talk over the music.

I don't care about her stupid brothers stupid hockey friends. I would lowkey rather be talking to Connor because at least he was interesting.


"Why?" I protest trying my best to go back to the kitchen where Connor is but Cora is strong.

We get to the foyer and I see a bunch of really, really tall dudes. God, I wish I was tall. If I was a guy I would be so fucking tall and really big. I would play hockey and I would absolutely body everyone into the boards. I would be so good the world probably wouldn't be able to comprehend my talent and excellence .

Cora pushes past the really tall  dudes who are all saying hi to her and she's saying hi back. Man, that must be something to be so gorgeous and popular that guys say hi to you, especially the really tall ones.

I just want a really tall boyfriend. My boyfriends 5'10 and a major asshole. That reminds I need to break up with Brad. I need to make that a mental note

"Cora!" Some really talk dude yells and Cora's death grip on my arm breaks as she goes and hugs him.

"Mason!" Cora yells and I am assuming his name is Mason and that he's blonde and like really, really tall. His hands go to her lower back and her arms go around his neck. Now, that's a very intimate hug, I'm quite jealous.

"Riles!" The familiar voice yells as they sling their arm around my shoulder. I look up at the 6'3, blue eyed culprit none other than Nicholas Berkshire.

"Nicky!" I yell and my arms go around his torso as he engulfs me in a bear hug. God, I love this dude.

"Yo, Riles!" He exclaims as he lets go of me and ruffles my hair. "Man I've missed you so much. I totally forgot you were coming here," he says taking a sip of a grapefruit high noon.

"Nice drink, Nicky," I say smiling sheepishly. "Have you been pregaming?" I ask him and he laughs.

"Why the fuck do you think we're so late?" Oh, fuck what time is it? I literally have no clue. I have a 9 am class tomorrow that I probably won't make.

Oh, well.

"Have you been pregaming Miss Arabella?" He asks me laughing and I grimace at the nickname but he doesn't seem to notice. I just nod in response.

"Damn, what've you been drinking?" He asks and I laugh at the question. What have I not been drinking?

"Well, I had four shots of vodka with this dude named Connor, then I had a white claw, and now this is my fourth beer," I tell him trying my best to recount the night.

"Oh jesus, you are gonna be sick later," he just laughs and ruffles my hair again.

I just nod and look around the party. I totally forgot Nick went here let alone that he's the captain of the hockey team and reminds me that he's literally gonna be in the NHL. Like he's been drafted since sophomore year but is finishing college. God, that's comical Nick Berkshire in the NHL. That's like my sister-

Oh fuck my sister.

I start tapping Nicks chest til I get his attention. "Dude, where the fuck is my sister? I called her last week and she hasn't called me back! Isn't that such a bitch move?" I rant to him but as I talk he looks a little sad. Oh shit, did they break up? Noooo, I really liked them together.

"Yeah," he begins taking a sip of beer. "I facetimed her last night and she is booked til like fucking Thanksgiving. I mean, we might be able to see her when she's in New York but she's like booked." He tells me and I sigh. I really miss my older sister, Alice.

"Are you serious? That fucking sucks," I tell him. It probably sucks more for him. They've inseparable since they were fourteen and now he barely sees her. I guess being a high fashion model is not all it seems to be. Actually I lied the money and the fame seem fantastic or I might just be an egomaniac. Although I'm probably through and through just a spoiled brat who wants attention and money. I know that seems shallow but when you've grown up the way I have the thought of having no money is petrifying.

"Yeah it really does," he says in quite voice as his arm goes over my shoulder again. He seems really sad. I can't even imagine they're relationship they barely see each other, but they must really like each other if they're this committed. That makes me quite happy for the both of them.

"Riley, come meet my brother!" Cora says as she pulls me away from Nick. Once again, Cora has her death grip on my forearm. I stumble towards her as she begins to make her way through the crowd.

"Do not get involved with Nicholas, like he's really hot I get it, but he's got this like beautiful model girlfriend," she begins to tell me like I don't know. "Do not try to be his side piece because he really loves that girl and to see them broken-," she stops her words as we now are in the living room by the fire place where some really fucking tall dudes back is facing us.

"Holy shit you're tall," I say without even thinking about what I just said.

Fuck, that's embarrassing.

He turns and faces us, probably dying to know who said such a compliment he probably hears everyday. God, if I was him I would be so good at hockey, like oh my god. I would be the best hockey player in the world. Gretzky and Ovetchkin would have nothing on me.

"Riley, this is my brother Archer," she says as the really tall guy turns and faces us. He looks vaguely familiar as I take in his features. The the realization hits me from where I know him from.

Oh fuck.

"Archer this is my new friend Riley," she introduces me but the disgusted look on his face tells me he already knows who I am.

After all I did break up him and his girlfriend. But then he's the reason for my parents divorce.

He ruined everything. Everything.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I yell at him as I drop my beer and lunge at him.

There's still clearly some unresolved tension from the summer.

hi guys! sorry if this is bad, I am new at this!!!

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