chapter five - class

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I find a seat in the farther back row of the massive room my lecture was about to take place in. I still have my iced coffee so I set that down on the desk and put my bag down next to me. I look to see who I'm sitting next to and it's a girl with long black hair. She seems to be in conversation with the people next to her. I take my seat and start to mindlessly scroll on my phone.

"Yo," I hear a familiar deep voice say. I look up and recognize Connor from the party. "Riley, right?" He asks and I nod my head. He points to the empty seat next to me "anyone one sitting here?"

"No, you're all good," I tell him turning my phone off and setting it down on the desk. "I think my friend pulled me away before you told me your major, so I'm assuming your business too?" I ask him and he nods smiling.

"Yeah, and thank god for that," he says and I laugh. "I was wondering when we were gonna bump into each other."

"Yeah, I was hoping the next party so we can go shot for shot again," I say smiling and he laughs.

Connor starts to talk to me about the other classes he's in but my attentions completely gone the moment Archer and his little group walk into the lecture hall. Archers got his arm slinged around the petite blonde next him. He's on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings, I guess he's having Jackie lead him wherever. They walk up the stairs and I realize that the only free seats are in front of me.

Well, double mother fucker.

"Babe, should we go here?" Jackie asks him and he just nods his head, finally looking away from his phone. Archer looks at me and our gazes meet. He still has on his bored expression and just rolls his eyes at me following Jackie into the aisle. Jackie sits next to some blonde girl and turns her head and begins conversing with the people behind her. I'm assuming they're friends because of the quick way they fall into conversation.

Archer sits in front me. Jesus even his back looks good and muscular. The dudes perfect on paper but his personality just makes him so unfortunate.

"I don't think you've listened to a single word I've said," Connor says snapping me out my daze.

I shake my head in apology, "I'm sorry it's just been a rough day," I tell him the truth. He gives me a sympathetic nod.

"Yeah I feel you," he says and pauses for a moment. We sit in silence for a few seconds before he begins again. "So are you dating Nicholas Berkshire or do you like have some sort of boyfriend?" I snort at the question. The thought of me and Nicholas dating repulses me to no end.

"Oh god, no" I say laughing earning a weird glance from him. "No we're just very good family friends. I've known him my whole life. He's basically my older brother," I tell him and he nods smiling.

"So you don't have a boyfriend?" He asks me smiling with his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Oh, no I do." His smile slightly drops and I feel like he may have liked me.

"Does he go here?" I shake my head.

God, I really don't want to talk about Brad. I might honestly be the worlds worst girlfriend because I've forgotten about Brad the past few days. Shit, I haven't even texted him.

"No he goes to Yale, but he's coming here next weekend for the Yale and Princeton football game. He's the quarterback for Yale," I tell him.

"No kidding," he says shaking his head. "What's his name?"

"Um, Brad Campbell," I tell him and he rolls his eyes. "What are you jealous?" I playfully hit his shoulder.

"No it's just that he's my competition," he raises his eyebrow.

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