chapter ten - starbucks debrief

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"Wake up!" I yell at the sleeping boy in my roomates bed. I shake his back hard in an effort get him up. "Dude, wake the fuck up!" I yell again.

His hand suddenly slaps at mine. "Leave me alone," he mumbles. I roll my eyes and I suck in a deep breathe. I grab his arm that is falling off the bed and tug hard at it, slightly moving him. He instantly pulls his arm away and turns over so that he is now on his back.

"What the fuck is your fucking problem?" He starts to sit up.

"Nothing, I just thought you might want to wake up," I tell him as I walk towards my dresser. "It's eleven o'clock thought you might have something." I apply my Rare Beauty liquid blush to my cheeks, making them slightly rosie.

"It's Saturday," he states, getting out of the bed. "There's nothing to do on Saturday," he tells me, staring at me in the mirror. I look at his large figure really taking in how massive he is. No wonder he's good at hockey.

"Some people might have class," I tell him as I apply my Charlotte Tilbury lip liner.

"Only morons do that," he mumbles and notice in the mirror that he's looking around for something.

"Looking for something?" I ask him.

"Yeah, my phone." He's taking apart Emilia's bed. I roll my eyes at his idiocy again and grab is phone off my dresser.

"Here ya go," I tell him taking a step forward towards him. He looks down at me with an annoyed expression painted on his face. He takes a step forward and snatches the phone from my hand.

"Thanks," he mumbles and I nod. His green eyes trail down from eyes to my lips. "What's wrong with your lips?" He questions and I furrow my brows together at his question. "Did you pick up an STD or some shit?"

I gasp and turn around to look in the mirror. "Oh, no. It's just my lip liner," I tell him and he nods. I grab my Dior lipstick and apply it to my puffy lips. I do have full lips but in the morning they are puffy. I don't know why, it's just always been a thing. It's never my face that's puffy, it is always my lips.

"When does the hockey season start?" I ask now grabbing my lip gloss to apply.

"Um," he begins and looks around the room. "October first," he answers and I see he grabs his keys from the nightstand. Idiot, can't remember where he left anything.

"Oh, so in two weeks?" I remark and he rolls his eyes.

"What the fuck do you think?" He snaps and I internally groan.

"Why are you such an asshole?" I put my lipgloss into my makeup bag and turn to face him.

"Why are you such an idiot?" I walk towards my bed to grab my phone making up my mind to kick him out.

"Stop being a dick," I demand.

"Then stop asking stupid questions," He retorts back and I take a step closer to him.

"I'm not asking stupid questions." He takes a step closer to me almost closing the space between us. I still manage to keep solid eye contact with him and I almost pay myself on the back for that.

"Do you not hear your self talk?"

"Okay get out," I demand again as I walk around him to find his back. I'm too slow to try and push him out of my room because he quickly turns to face me again. This time our bodies are closer. I try to make space between us but my heel hits the nightstand and I curse the room for being so tiny.

"No. Why are you asking stupid questions?" He asks and I roll my eyes at him for the third time. I fold my arms over my chest in an attempt to assert my dominance.

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