ELEVEN. the what if's and who dunnits

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RACHEL WOKE up the next day. Leia would be leaving and Rachel was gonna give someone an answer. She would hopefully not be single and she'd be happy in a relationship that she wouldn't look down upon.

Rachel and Joshua made their way to the Forman's and Joshua headed in side to talk to Leia alone.

Rachael stood outside and Nate soon walked into the backyard.


She turned, a smile on her face, "Hey."

"Um, can we talk about the other day."

"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about it." She said, "You go first."

"Did it mean anything to you?"

Rachel gave Nate a soft smile, scratching her head as she did so, "Did it mean anything to you?" She rebuttal.

He only nodded, taking a deep breath as he continued, "I talked to Nik last night. And I know you were with Jay not that long ago, but I really did love you, Rach. I was hoping we could give it another shot. If that's what you want."

Rachel gave Nate a huge smile, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

Nate pulled back slightly and kissed her with might and damn it felt pretty good.

Jay approached the Forman's backyard and Rachel stepped away from her now boyfriend to speak with him.

"Hey." He smiled.


Jay held his smile, "I know. Nate and I talked last night. He's really good for you."

Rachel smiled, pulling Jay into a hug. She really did like him, she had for months. She wouldn't forget that. He said he would wait and wait he would. And if he moved on Rachel would be happy for him.

It didn't matter who Rachel chose. She made her decision and she was happy.

And though their summer had been a pretty wild ride, they would overall say it'd been just alright.

And though their summer had been a pretty wild ride, they would overall say it'd been just alright

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- lucy has something to say !!

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- lucy has something to say !!

i was asked to do this because people wanted her with nate so here you go it's not long and i wasn't planning on doing it so yolo swag :) to add this is NOT cannon to the story! rachel chose jay

and just because rachel chose jay doesn't mean that he was her intinal choice but to each their own and if season two happens i'll touch on but if not... oh well 😭

anyways thank you all for reading once again :D

okay final meme for real

see y'all in act two :)

see y'all in act two :)

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bye :))))

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