I'M A WHAT!!!!

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                                                                               Chan Pov

I just woke up hot and sweaty. But something does not feel right I need to get out of the dorms

 and to the doctor. I feel sick but needy at the same time. I am gonna call manager...

'' Yes Chan Ah?''

'' I really feel off today something isn't right can you bring me to the doctors? I'm really sorry I

 don't wanna get the other members sick.''

''Yes get in the van in twenty okay. I don't want any of you to feel ill. Do you understand?''

''Yes thank you manager nim.''

                                                                  no ones pov

Chan threw on a loose t-shirt and grey sweats along with a matching grey jumper and white vans

 quickly before grabbing his phone and wallet and leaving the dorms. Once the van was in sight

 a sudden weakness made a pathetic whimper come from Chans mouth as he almost hit the

 ground.  ''what the heck is wrong with me! chan growled under his breath before slowing his

 pace. Finally reaching the van no words were exchanged. And 10 minutes later the doctor office

 was in sight.  ''Thank you'' Chan mumbled out before leaving the van and slowly walking into

 the dreaded place called the doctors. 

After checking in Chan waited only 15 ish minutes as the place was pretty empty before his name

 was called. ''Bang Chan?'' As Chan stood he felt something hot by his entrance. And thought he

 might just get sicker later. Following the nurse to the room and doing weight and vitals before

 being told the doctor will be in a minute. After playing some Pokemon go on this phone ( yes I

 said it its a great game) he hears a soft knock on the door startling him slightly before a 

shorter middle  aged male  enters with a clip board and glasses pen in hand and hair a bit messy 

  ''Hello Mr.Bang I am Dr. Xaoi Yuihui nice to meet you. Could you tell me

 whats going on today?'' Chan looks up 

and blinked before he realized he should probably respond. Blushing slightly  Chan finally

 responded. ''This may seem kinda silly to visit the doctor for but  I woke up feeling super off. 

I woke up at my normal time for my days off so 8:30-9:30 feeling super weak and needy I love

my members but we are all alphas. So I am very confused as to why I feel hot all over especially 

down stairs.'' by now Chans whole face went bright pink. ''Okay. So are you comfortable for me  

to draw some blood and do an ultrasound and an examination ? I will tell you everything before I

Do them.'' Dr. Xaoi said calmly not showing any emotion but comfort  as he put in the new

 information into Chan's file  ''Y-yeah that's fine.'' Chan said barely over a whisper. "Okay so I am

 gonna give you a gown to put on. I need you to take everything off if you wanna keep your socks

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