Chans test

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                                                                                    NO POV

Its been 2 months since Chan and Jisung were marked and mated. Everything is going well they

 started a mini comeback and it was a hit so now they have the week off after the comeback.

 Chan woke up scrambling to get out of his mates arms he felt like he was gonna get sick.

 Running to the bathroom last nights contents came out. Minho woke to his arms being shoved

 off hearing the eldest puking his guts out he ran out of bed to get to him. Chan was shaking

 getting so sick. Minho got some water and rubbed his Hyungs back as he continued to puke.

 Chan finally sat back  rinsing  his mouth with the water and a washcloth. He brushed his teeth.

 ''I am sorry love this has happened for two weeks now.'' Minho pulled him close and kissed his

 head. Then it clicked Jeonin heard two extra heart beats when they became a pack. Pulling

 away to look under the sink for the first aid kid it had all kinds of pills and tests. He then handed

 the pregnancy test to Chan. 

Minho couldn't help but give Chan a hopeful look. He could not help but be excited to find out if 

there would be pups growing in the beautiful older omega. Chan gave Minho a look. ''You think I

 might be with pups?'' A blush painted the two males faces. But Minho still nodded with an

 excited smile. Chan turned and peed on the test. Flushing the toilet and washing his hands

 Chan smiled before talking. ''If I am with a pup or pups I am gonna be so happy. But so nervous

 since i have 6 alpha mates that means we can have a lot of pups.'' Minho smiled at the elders

 soft spoken words. The two continues to chat before looking at the test. Taking in a deep breath 

Chan slowly turned the test over and it said....


Chan showed Minho and the two shed some tears. It was more Chan sobbing as Minhos eyes

 watered. They cooked the members favorites and prepped a lot of food that their mates loved. 

Before waking them all up and slowly everyone trickled into the dining room to eat. The

 youngest of the group asked why they had made everyone's favorites. So Minho put the test in

 his hand. Immediately everyone huddled up to see what the test has to say. Felix and Changbin

 seen what it was and it clicked tears fell from Felix's eyes as Binnie asked if it was real. Chan

 nodded. The other members were confused until Seungmin asked ''Is that a positive pregnancy

 test? Are you telling the truth... WE ARE GONNA HAVE PUPPIES!'' Everyone's eyes lit up. Even

 Jisungs. Jisung couldn't help but be excited. 

Lots and lots of tears were shed out of happiness Hyunjin could not believe it. He was so happy

 he snuggled up to Chan and started to purr and chirp. Chan looked at a shocked Hyunjin.

 Hyunjin blushed and apologized. His mates reassured him it was cute and normal for a happy

 and safe Alpha to do. But he kept blushing he did not know that he could even do that. Minho

 changed the subject ''So we are going to my house tomorrow I already packed our bags and

 they are in my van it will be a long drive as its in the country there is chickens there and koi fish.

 But we will be leaving at 6 am and relaxing once we get there. We can go to the pond or the

 stream or do some exploring in the house. I swam in the stream all the time as a  pup  and I

 hope we can enjoy it as a pack  too. Cheering they all went and went together to the store to get

 snacks for the way there there snacks consisted of,

Chan: Honey butter chips, turtle chips (sweet corn), melon drink and a few chocolates

Minho got: prawn crisps, a  spicy tuna onigiri and a bibimbap onigiri, A water and a choco pie

Changbin: Peach mogu mogu, gummy candy,  a sweet corn flavor chip and a savory chip

Hyunjin: Half a choco cake, Crab chips, americano,  watermelon jelly filled gummy

Jisung: half of a strawberry cheese cake a fruit cup, and a variety 5 flavor pack of mochi, water       

Felix: puffed sweet rice cakes,  seaweed, A huge variety of chocolates and peach mogu mogu

Seungmin: A fish bread, mango drink, a variety pack of crisps

Jeonin: crab crisps, trail mix, nutella and pretzels, americano and banana milk

Once they returned to the dorm they put their snacks into small bags they all got different things

 so that they can share through out the trip. They ended up with all kinds of Asian snacks and 

even some American snacks. 

After the snacks were packed and ready to go in the morning.  Minho prepped Breakfast and

 lunches in their lunch boxes. He made a quick meat stew and chose some picked vegetables to

 go with it putting it in to thermoses he fried up eggs and rice and prepped some fruit they had.

 And that concluded breakfast. Lunch was gonna take longer so he started the rice first before

 deciding on Bibimbap and sticky chicken. He made sure to include kimchi,rice,and seaweed.

 finally satisfied he set his alarms for the morning and packed the food into a cooler bag labeling

 with sticky notes what was breakfast and what was lunch. Before he went to make sure his

 mates took a shower and got comfortable. He took the time to kiss and chat to his mates that

 decided they all wanted to sleep in Minhos bed. It was decided that they were going to watch

 Frozen one and Frozen 2 and possibly a few more. Kisses were exchanged and movies were

 started by the end of a bugs life the Maknae line was asleep and the Hyung line not far behind.

 Changbin hugged his gyu and begged Minho for pokemon slurring his words. Minho agreed

 cause you can not say no to Binnies sleepy puppy eyes. Soon they were all asleep. Minho looked

 around with a smile wondering how he got so lucky. He turned the television off and slipped

 into dreamland with his mates.

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