I'm sorry how many?!

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                                                                      NO POV 

After the initial shock of seven pups 5 more cribs were bought and now filled the huge nursery. 

 The younger Alphas kept buying books and clothing and the cutest little plush toys setting each

 crib bedding different. since the room had a theme they gave each baby a theme. The nursery

 was now a mid/light grey and the cribs were themed with animals. The first crib was a cream

 color and a little fennec fox plush curtsy of Jeonin. The second crib was a  pastel green and had

 a leather back sea turtle plush. Jisung picked this cribs theme. The third crib was pastel purple

 and had a purple ochre sea star plush  Hyunjin the fake aussie. The fourth crib was picked by

 Changbin and it was a deep blue. He wanted to have the theme pokemon but Chan said no. So

 he chose to add a dyed blue axolotl plush since it looked like a pokemon. Chan picked the color

 pink  for the fifth crib  and he chose a  amazon river dolphin plush. Since it was pink. Felix and

 Seungmin wanted to pick together. So they chose a soft yellow color for the sixth  and chose a

 yellow common sea horse plush. Minho went with a creamy orange for the seventh crib and he

 obviously chose a orange cat plush.

It took a week to get the nursery all set up Jisung has an appointment at home again and found

 out that he was carrying twin boys and their triplet was a tiny little sister. Chan still wanted a

 surprise so his mates wanted to keep it a surprise too so they asked Dr.Xaoi to  put all his pics of

 the pups into a baby book. ANd he gladly complied he also checked to see if Chan was dilated

 since he was due any day now. Since single pups typically aren't born until after due dates 

Twins are born almost always on the due dates. And multiples are born sooner with in the last

 month of pregnancy. And to his surprise Chan was 5.5 cm so  he let him and his mates know that

 he could have the pups any day now and he gave Jisung 2.5 months since his pups are growing

 faster than average so he was pretty sure they were gonna have at least 3 alpha pups.

The 8 mates were so happy to find out how soon they would have pups. The youngest Alphas

 were buzzing. The Omegas were purring and everyone was in a great mood. Both Omegas chose

 a home birth and wanted Dr. Xaoi to be in their home just incase. Chan wanted him to coach

 him through the births and Jisung wanted him to possibly deliver depending on how things


Minho cooked a huge dinner that night for a celebration. They drank sparkling apple juice

 because alcohol made Jisung puke  aggressively now  so they chose to keep it out of the house.

 Minho was great with hiding his excitement but on the inside he felt warm and fuzzy in the best

 way possible. They chose to start their 2 year complete hiatus explaining that amazing things

 are changin in their personal lives and they need time and privacy to adjust. And stays

 respected that and asked if it was okay to let them know and that it was okay if they did not

 want to tell anyone. But all the 8 mates said was 7 new amazing changes are coming into their


And they got support from all the real stays and other idols. They did have some nasty saesongs

 leaving horrible messages. But JYP actually took and had the police take care of those people

 who are now in jail for a long time since some of the details that the police found. And the 8

 mates are just stoked for their seven pups the Alphas wanted the two omegas to pick the pups

 names. Since they want a huge family and would like more pups in the near future. Both

 omegas picked out names and told their Alphas that they would tell them the  names and

 meanings once the pups were born. 

Now Chan had felt 2-3 weeks of feeling ill while being pregnant with the four pups. But poor

 Jisung was sick all day everyday. ( sorry sungie. I don't know how morning sickness really goes

 but i never had it so I will be using how sick my mom was with my brother.) The younger Omega 

thrived on water and rice crackers as saltines made him nauseous. And all he wanted was some 

fresh straw berry cheese cake and an orange HI-C. ( orange is the best.) But as much as he was

 suffering he kept a smile on his face all day while he puked his guts out an was energy depleted.

 He knew he was gonna have strong pups. Chan agreed  since Jisung still had 2.5 month and he

 was huge.

Chan being so close to having the pups was feeling a lot of pressure and tight painful 'Braxton

 hicks.' That was at least what he thought they were. How ever thought out the night Chan 

 whimpered and that allerted his mates who got on the phone with Dr.Xaoi at 2:27 am to let him

 know about the sudden changes and that Chan was in alot of pain and not like the usual back

 pain. Hyungin added in that he is leaking from his chest.  They were told to help collect the

 colostrum from his breasts and give him a cup of water and a cool rag for his head. They gladly

 helped relived that someone who knew what they were doing was on the way. 

Chan was now

 crying holding Felix and Minhos hands as Jisung rubbed his bare back. Chan was completely

 nude as he was always naked while at home. Hyunjin kept the washcloth cool with ice water.

 Chanbin was having an internal breakdown seeing his mate in pain and not being able to do

 anything. Jeonin and Seungmin were telling Chan how good he was doing and praising him to

 help get him a bit more comfortable. Chan made a nest a couple nights ago and asked to go in

 the nest he made in the living room his mates were happy to comply. And glad that Chan chose

 almost all black clothing their was a few grey shirts in the mix but he did not care.

What Chan did not expect was that when he was walking to his next with his mates to feel like he

 peed from his bum.....

''Hey I think my water just broke.''

Channies gonna have puppies soon ahhhh what do you all think hes gonna have i have them picked out im picking their names in tomorrow's draft -BUNNIEBXTCH

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