Changbins punishment

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                                                                      No pov

It has been a few days Changbin knew he was gonna get punished. He just did not know when.

 He told Minho that he didn't care who was around when he gets the punishment. So Minho just

 needed to pick the perfect punishment for the younger. And after a few days the needed piece

 was here. Minho chuckled as he took and cleaned the toy. What was the toy? It was a vibrating

 buttplug.  He decided that making Binnie bottom was more of a harsh punishment and Binnie

 likes to be spanked so that was not on the table either. But one thing Changbin hates is being

 edged and that is exactly what Minho decided to do. 

So after lunch was eaten and cleaned the 8  mates went on a walk to the pond. Minho had all the

 maids leave for the week as he wanted to be able to feel free with his mates. Changbin forgot he

 was gonna get punished and Minho definitely did not he has a hoodie with some lube and the

 plug. Once they were at the pond the youngest 3 fed some ducks and koi. Hyunjin snuggled up

 to Chan telling him everything he found out about male omega pregnancy. Minho pulled

 Changbin over his lap. Changbin shivered and let out a yelp. ''You're doing it out side!'' He

 squealed with embarrassment. ''Love you didn't say not to. In fact you said anywhere anytime I

 will take my punishment.'' Minho said with a smirk. The other 6 mates watched as their second

 most dominant Alpha became putty in their Alphas hands. Changbin knew he was not getting 

out of his punishment so he went limp. Preparing himself to be spanked when his Hyung pulled

 his sweats off. Making a comment how Binnie didn't wear boxers. What Changbin did not expect

 was two lubed fingers to be pushed into his tight heat. Letting a cry out in the pain and bit of

 discomfort. Minho leaned down and kissed his mate mark to sooth the younger. After about 10-

15  minutes Changbin let out whimpers and small moans. Minho knew he was adjusted so he 

pushed in the plug. Binnie let out a loud moan at the plugs depth hitting his prostate dead on.

 Minho pulled the youngers pants up and walked to the pond leaving the younger male

 flustered. All but Felix were shocked. He knew Minho Hyung was ruthless. He couldn't walk for

 two days. Jisung marked their calendars for his next heat and the Alphas did the same  with

 their ruts. Chan made an appointment to get an estimated date to deliver. Most omegas give

 birth at home as its less stressful for the mother and the pups. Chan wasn't sure what he wanted

 just yet. 

                                                                            time skip

As the day went about Minho turned the vibrator on one of 7 settings. He did it when Changbin

 was trying to get something done. the first time he turned it on was at the pond when he walked

 away leaving the whimpering male alone and that was the first level. The second time was

 when they all were prepping a snack board for a movie. He put it on level two. Watching the

 younger like a hawk. The third time Changbin was trying to talk to Hyunjin and Jisung. Minho

 turned it on the third level.  The fourth time was when Binnie was writing some lyrics that came

 to mind with Chan. Minho smirked and put it on level four. Reminding the whimpering male to

 not touch himself before leaving the room. Minho kept turning the vibration off when Changbin

 came close each time. The fifth time was when Changbin tried to help Minho cook in the


This time however Changbin begged to cum it was too much. He dropped to his knees

 as the vibrations kept getting stronger making him sob out in front of his mates. He didn't not

 care. He needed to cum. ''Then cum love. But if you do cum. Your punishments not over you will

 cum and cum again and again.'' Minho whispered in a deep lustful voice. Changbin nodded and

 came almost immediately and just like he was told the vibrations got stronger. Minho put them

 on 7 the max watching from the corner of his eyes. Changbin was whimpering on the floor small

 moans as Minho kept cooking a simple pasta and red sauce with garlic bread. Chan requested


Changbin came a second time while Minho cooked. A third time when food was being plated.

 A fourth and fifth time while eating. Minho asked Hyunjin to feed Binnie as he can't do it

 himself. ''I-I can't no more pl-please.'' Binnie begged he sat in his soiled pants. He came 5 times

 already. ''Did you learn your lesson?'' Minho asked wiping his mouth. ''Ye-Yes fuck I-I am so-

sorry.'' Changbin sobbed between moans. Turning to the other 6 Minho asked ''Do you guys

think he learned his lesson?'' A mix of Yes/Yes alpha were said. Minho gave Seungmin the

 remote and ordered him to turn off the vibrator. Once Seungmin did his task. He ordered Jeonin

 to take the plug out and Hyungin to help him to the bathroom so he could make the younger a


Minho prepped a hotter bubble bath with lavender epsom salt and Binnies favorite light pastel

 bath bomb that turned the water a baby blue and smelled like candy floss. Minho washed the

 younger up and gave him a massage once out of the bath. Binnie passed out so Minho put a

 dark shirt on him and a pair of boxers. After covering up the younger he kissed his head and

 went down stairs to clean the dinner mess. But to his surprise Jisung and Chan washed all the

 plates and pans from dinner. They even wiped the table. Smiling at the the  two before kissing

 their heads and joining the cuddle puddle  on the sofa. Minho kissed all their heads but the

 sleeping male upstairs and put on the youngest favorite disney movie.

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