Felix's punishment

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                                                                Minho's Pov 

I woke up early my mates stayed asleep. So I just gave them a quick peck on their foreheads.

 Before making an American style breakfast as Channie has been craving it. I made english

 muffin sandwiches with a variety of toppings and a fruit smoothie. I kinda just used what was

 not eaten yesterday on the way here they ate the junk and left a lot of the fruit I just added

 bananas. I am gonna take my time to think of the perfect punishment. I still am debating if I

 should punish Binnie for not telling me they were horny and me finding out through the mate

 mark. I will think of something tomorrow for Binnie.

 Since Felix decided to be a whiny brat yesterday and let it seep through out  our mate and pack

 mark I need to pick out a punishment for this horny little alpha. Since he didn't wanna tell

 anyone he wanted to be a dominant alpha but  that is not little Lixxie. So I think I might

 just make him bottom for me since he would like being tied up a bit to much he has

 an obsession with the cuffs Jisung wore with his halloween costume. I think it will be perfect

 but first I need to feed my beautiful mates.

                                                                                         no pov                                                                                                                          

 Minho took time to walk  up to the cuddle puddle kissing and shaking them softly they all slowly

 woke up. One by one and went down stairs after washing their faces. Before going downstairs

 and eating and drinking. Once everyone finished Minho cleared his throat ''Lix I have your

 punishment picked out and Binnie you might get  a punishment for not coming to me and

 telling me right away.'' Felix blushed and looked away and Changbins ears turned red. ''W-what

 is m-my pun-punishment?'' Felix barley got out between his nerves and excitement to know

 what it will be. ''First do you want all of us there or not?'' Minho asked. ''Depends'' Felix

 muttered. ''Lixie you will be a bottom today don't worry you would only have to take my cock.''

 Minho said with a smirk. 

Watching Felix swallow hard. ''W-what? I am an alpha Hyung.'' Minho

 smirk stayed on his face. '' You did not act like one the other day. You decided to be a little brat.''

''F-Fine only you tho. 'm embarrassed.'' Felix muttered knowing he wasn't getting out of this

 punishment. Minho's smirk grew seeing the younger alphas reaction. He knew all of his 7 mates

 were turned on so he gave 6 of them permission to do as they wish  anywhere on the property.

  The six now excited ran to go relieve themselves before they get  to feel Felix's pleasure through

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