Jisungs doctor visit

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                                                                              No pov 

Chan woke Jisung up by littering the younger omega with kisses. Slowly the younger woke up. ''

 Baby get up its appointment today for you.'' He spoke softly. Jisung smiled and got up

 stretching. ''Thank you Channie Hyung.'' Jisung said and kissed the elder. Finally getting out of

 bed and putting on a jump suit like Chan Hyung told him would be the most comfortable. Chan

 wore something similar before grabbing his and Jisungs wallets handing the youngers wallet

 and phone to him. Before putting on their slides and leaving to get in the van. Chan drove to

 give them a chance to talk more personal things and give their manager a break. The two

 chatted about what would happen during the test.  If it was painful. They chatted so Jisung's

 nerves were calmed. 

Finally they reached the clinic and checked in before sitting in the waiting room. ''Han Jisung.''

 The two got up going into the room where Jisung was handed a dressing gown and his blood

 pressure was checked. Before the kind nurse left  Jisung got into the gown Chan helped. A few

 minutes went by before Dr. Xaoi came in. ''Hello Chan and Mr. Han. How are you today?'' Chan

 replied giving Jisung a moment. ''We are good. Just have alot of nerves going all over.'' Jisung

 nodded in agreement. ''Okay I hope we can give some closure. We will do two ultrasounds on

 internal and one external and take some blood for your hormone levels. Did you have the

 Omega exam done when you were younger before the incident in the notes?'' Dr. Xaoi asked

 softly. ''I-I did but wasn't told what was happening . I got sedated and panicked.'' Jisung said

 shaky in fear he would be sedated again. ''Thats horrible. I am so sorry that they did that. That is

 extremely unreasonable. I will tell you everything we are going to do today for you. So as you

 know the blood work will be in your arm and one of the ultrasounds will be on your stomach

 and one will be inside your birth canal. (A/N anus what ever you wanna call it. I just don't like

 the word rectum/anus/bumhole. I normally use entrance) So that I can see your uterus clearly

 and I will let you know if there is any other tests to be done today. So are you good to start with

 the  blood work?'' Dr.Xaoi explained to the nervous Jisung ''Y-Yeah.'' ''Okay great lets get

 started.'' The doctor worked fast and quiet causing Jisung to hold on to Chan even tighter than


Soon Dr. Xaoi finished all the tests writing his notes on his clip board so he could add them to

 Jisungs files later on. ''Okay so from what I can see you are completely healthy your womb does

 look weak so it will be a lot harder and risky to get pregnant. If you do you will be put on bed

 rest  immediately. Any questions?'' Jisungs heart sank. Chan told the doctor no. then helping

 the younger get dressed.  Chan and jisung left the clinic and Jisung felt his eyes burn from him

 trying to hold back his tears. The car ride was quiet. As soon as  they were back in the dorm

 Jisung ran to his room and his body shook from harsh sobs. Chan decided to let him have a

 minute to get it out before going to him.

Soon the others came back from grocery shopping and such from the marts nearby they smelt a

 burnt scent coming from their omega mates. Immediately Minho asked Chan what happened.

 ''Sungie will have a hard time with getting pregnant its a low chance and risky. Hes healthy just

 some parts aren't strong enough.'' Chan now sobbing into his alphas arms. Everyone heart

 broken at the news. Hyunjin spoke ''He said a low risky chance not completely infertile. We can

 change our diets and make sure Sungie has vitamins to help boost that chance. He deserves to

 carry a pup just like Chan. Lets all do some research before we  do anything.'' And that they did

 they found vitamins to help boost fertility they did some IVF research and found foods that

 would help him. Seungmin went out and got Jisung strawberry cheesecake. And they all went

 to his room. 

''Jisungie Love can you unlock the door?'' Felix asked. They heard shuffling and a click with

 more shuffling. Opening the door their hearts sank. There sat Jisung in a tiny nest with messy

 hair and wet cheeks. Still crying he looked to his mates ''I'm sorry.'' He spoke so broken.

 Changbin was the first to move out of the doorway. ''Can I come in your nest prince?'' he asked

 full of love. A small nod came from the younger. Changbin climbed into the little nest on his bed

 pulling him into a tight hug and a warm kiss on the younger males lips. It did not take long

 before all his mates asked and were granted permission to be in his nest. Jeonin told Jisung

 about what they can do to help get his body better to carry a pup. Felix mentioning anything 

 Jeonin missed. Seungmin and Hyunjin feed their mates cheesecake. And Jisung felt so much

 better than he did before. Sure he would have a hard time getting pregnant but he had some

 kind of chance with it. His mates would be there every step of the way.

The group decided now to do the ritual so everyone had to have both omegas and Minhos bite.

 So many tears were shed some good and some bad. But they always will have each other they

 are now linked they feel each others emotions and their alphas and omegas can talk if they

 relax their minds enough. Everything's perfect now cuddling with each other what the youngest

 of the group said shocked everyone. ''Why is there 10 heart beats and not 8?'' They all became

 shocked. ''We can get tests tomorrow. You might be tired innie.'' Minho said but he now heard it

 too. Once everyone calmed from the sudden surprise. They all soon  fell asleep with tear stained

 cheeks but smiled held on. 

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