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it was christmas, the only time of the year where blaise felt like he could live another day. although this year he would have to spend it alone, after his father's arrest he couldn't face his mother anymore. she was suffering, always with a new man and intoxicated. he was glad to be alone though, he had less things to worry about and the peace would be nice. "blaise!" he heard an all-too-familiar voice call out, he looked at the gryffindor walking towards him. "yeah?" he picked up a few books off the common room table and sat down. harry flopped next to him, every since the crawler incident they've grown close and blaise cherished their friendship. "are you packing?" he asked, gleaming at him. "no, i'm staying" blaise gave him a short answer, sighing. 

"no you're not, you'll be staying with me. i already worked it out with molly" blaise gave him a confused look, wondering why the hell he thought it was a good idea to put blaise in a house full of gingers. "what are you talking about?" harry smirked, "i know you wanted me to put in a good word for you with the twins but i thought it would be better if you three fully met each other" 

"you're joking" he panicked, regardless of how calm and collected blaise seemed it was all a facade, he was a pure mess. "harry i can't! what if i die? or worse! break out from stress?" harry chuckled and pulled the boy from the couch. "come on, pack what you need we're leaving in an hour" he rushed, blaise was shoved into his room and draco was sitting on his bed, reading. "ah, i assume you now know where you'll be this entire break. anyway i've put some things in your bag because merlin knows you have a shit fashion sense" draco waved him off, a few dress shirts and other outfits were neatly folded in his trunk. he quickly put the things he needed in there like bottles of whiskey and his eyeliner, yes, he wore eyeliner how else are his eyes supposed to look snatched? you think beauty comes that easily? blaise shrunk the bag and slid out of the room, looking back to the blonde. "are you not spending christmas with harry?" he asked, draco smiled shaking his head, "i'm celebrating christmas with my mother, harry will be joining us a day before the new years" he informed. blaise nodded, leaving.

He was in the middle of asking the gryffindor a question when he apparated them into the new burrow, blaise was overwhelmed by the smell of pumpkin pie and other homemade meals. the burrow was so cozy, he felt safe in the place. "Harry's Here!" he heard Mr.weasley shout, pulling the green-eyed boy into a tight hug. soon the sound of gingers flooded the room as they all piled onto him, blaise watched from afar, grateful he wasn't in the middle of the weasel pile. "oh let the boy breath!" mrs.weasley scolded her children, helping harry up.  "oh blaise, its wonderful to have you here!" he held an arm out for her to shake but she just pulled him into a motherly hug, he felt so loved with just a hug.

 blaise decided to be a suck up for shits and giggles,  "it's wonderful to be here Mrs. Weasley, you have a beautiful home" he gave her his infamous smile and she gushed, turning to her children. "he's got more manners than you lot combined" they all groaned and he held back a laugh, she pinched his cheek and smiled "call me molly dear", "blaise don't be a suck-up, you're here for fred and george not molly" harry whispered, he rolled his eyes trying to ignore the boy. he spotted granger and her boyfriend sitting on a couch, ronald had been shoving food into hi face before dinner had even started, "glad i got over that one" he shuddered, harry chuckled. blaise felt a little out of place, to be quite frank the number of people in the house stunned him the most. the weasley family was large  it was slightly terrifying to know that molly had 7 children, it must be hard to run a house with so many kids. 

he followed harry upstairs, curiously looking around. "i'll be sleeping with ron and bill in the room across the hall, molly said you'd be with the twins" he added, a smirk on his lips. "harry i swear to merlin i am going to pop your head off of your body" blaise groaned at the gryffindor's stupidity. he might as well be dead right now because the second he steps foot into that room he won't be able to survive a second. "don't be so dramatic, they won't kill you. plus, it's a great way for you to get to know them" he shrugged, draco was rubbing off on him and not in a good way. 

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