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Fred And george Pov.// we doin some time travel and going back a bit in time because i rlly wanted to write the twins pov of the shopping

had it been anyone else, they would have blatantly refused to enter the store. but it was blaise, and they were hopeless. they watched him excitedly browse through a few shirts while they tried to figure out muggle fashion, fred found a feather hat and he decided to do a catwalk with it, george was on the floor with laughter but blaise looked horrified at the outfit. "muggle fashion is weird" he huffed. "here, let me"

grabbing a few shirts and pants from a nearby rack blaise shoved them into their arms and told them to try it on, before they could he rushed into a dressing room and they found a mannequin, getting distracted. he re-emerged wearing a white button up that snugly fit around his waist, "should i get this?" he crossed his arms, george nodded eagerly turning red, "definitely" they both said in unison, the boy looked satisfied and went back in, "holy shit" fred muttered, "holy shit indeed" they took a deep breath, pulling themselves together. "focus" george chuckled, blaise stepped out and forced them to wear the clothes he picked out.

fred fumbled with it in the small room, putting it on weirdly. george easily slipped the shirt on, trying on some pants that would match. blaise had an odd look on his face seeing fred, then he sighed with a laugh. "it's on backwards, fred"

he quickly corrected his mistakes and george came out at the same time, they felt a bit weird in the clothes, they were a little tight but looked like they did a number on the boy. he convinced them to get the outfits and when they got to the check out fred pulled out some galleons, the woman looked at him weirdly. "fred they don't take galleons, put that away" blaise scolded, handing the woman a piece of paper and coins. "i thought it was a worldwide currency" the boy huffed as the walked out. "i can tell you failed muggle studies" he teased. " i did, actually, but that aside where is everyone else? "

blaise looked around for a while, spotting harry in the window of a bakery, they followed him into a place that smelled amazing, fred spotted a few pink baggies at a table and ripped one open, "what's this?" he poured the white flakes into his mouth and excitedly reached for more when he realized it was sugar, "that's too much sugar, put it down" blaise lectured and fred resigned, placing the handful of packets down but taking three when he wasn't looking.

they spotted the group and sat beside them, blaise smacked harry's shoulder and glared. a short woman with brown hair walked over with a notepad. "are guys ready to order?" she smiled, everyone had gotten drinks that he's never heard of, blaise got something called coffee which piqued their interest. "what's coffee?" fred chirped, the waitress looked at him oddly "basically bean juice" ron explained which earned him an even weirder stare. they argued over rons choice of words for a while and they didn't even notice the waitress leave. she came back with their orders and blaise placed two cups infront of them, the sweeter option to fred and bitter one to george, "just try it, if you don't like it you can eat the sugar". they beamed at the flavour and george watched his brother gulp down the drink quickly. it was warming to see that blaise knew their preferred flavours, strangely enough the beverage made them fill with a sense of energy.

they had decided to walk around some more and the two boys found it to be an opportunity to bother harry

fred was practically bouncing off the walls with the amount of coffee he had, george noted to ask blaise about a different type of drink that tasted the same but didn't leave them both a shaking mess. currently they were bothering harry with ramblings of how cute the slytherin was and fred was moping about how he'd evidently reject them, they didn't bother keeping it a secret from ron because the boy would already find out.

"we've got no chance harry, it's like torture" fred groaned, dramatically hanging onto harry's arm and dragging himself on the floor. george nodded hastily, agreeing.

Constellations / Fred x Blaise  x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now