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TW: contains mentions of abuse, toxic relationships, blood and angst idk if angst is a trigger but you cant be too careful nowadays 💀💀

Blaise Pov. // A.N- i was halfways done writing this chapter and i accidentally deleted everything because im an idiot😔💀 ANYWAYS ENJOY!

He couldn't sleep, not when there was a strange feeling lingering around. blaise sat up, pacing for a while before grabbing a plain black robe and silently apparating to diagon alley, he was meant to get the presents but had gotten caught up with the boys. not that he was complaining.

it was therapeutic to walk around in the cool winter air, breathing out and seeing white smoke flow out in trails. he walked through the slightly crowded street, snow crunching under his feet as the display of brooms came closer.

the bell on the door rung lightly, getting the attention of the owner. she stumbled out from a corner, a children's training broom in hand and some other parts that seemed to be broken, "hi, i'm nora! how can i help you?" she purred, politely greeting him with a smile, "i was wondering if you had any moonshines in stock?" he asked nora gave him a bright thumbs up and went back into the room to get the broom. "you're lucky, this is the last one i had" the broom was a beautiful white, wrapped in silver etchings and engraved with gorgeous patterns. he paid the girl and waved goodbye.

blaise shrunk the broom before going into knockturn, he was aware of the looks that came his way from disbelieving people. many thought he had died or gone to azkaban but not many knew about potter defending him at court, he had gone to every slytherins trial and spoke against arrest knowing they were only children following their parents footsteps.

innocent or not blaise's family was still feared greatly by everyone and he didn't hate it per say, he just took advantage of it at time. a shimmer caught his eye, looking back to see a shit ton of weapons that would be a great use for percy's aruror missions. the store had a bitter smell of dark magic, everything was coated lightly with it.

"blaise baby, what a surprise" a tall man walked up to him, he had brightly coloured blonde hair and weirdly skinny limbs. "fuck off, astaroth" blaise spat, astaroth was his ex, the same one who thought it would be a good idea to vandalize blaise's back while he slept, with a knife. and to be quite frank that just the gist of it, he was ruined blaise's life in more ways than one but he was oblivious and young, he had mistaken abuse for love. it was a toxic relationship to say the LEAST.

pansy comforted through the hysterical breakdowns and draco continuously fought with the asshole. they always told him to stop, to up and leave him but his touch was like venom and blaise was addicted. he only sobered when he woke in agony, blood pooling from his back and onto the bed ike liquid roses.

he still had a few scars in the shapes of X's and the one that read deatheater was the brightest one, you could see it even at night. he smirked seeing the other boy's much more visible scars caused by theo's beatings.

"oh now don't be like that blaisy, you know you still love me" he cooed, running his fingers under the boys chin. he shook with anger, wanting to kill him right then and there but he didn't want to wear the azkaban uniforms, they were ugly and he was beautiful.

"you wish," blaise seethed, "i don't need someone like you in my life, your simple presence is putrid. i thought you died when theo got you" astaroth rolled his eyes, simply not giving up. "that's rude, what did i even do. i treated you well"

that seemed to do it, he snapped. he cast a silencing ring around them so he wouldn't draw the attention of every dark wizard in the vicinity because merlin knows how much they loved drama.

blaise pulled the hem of his shirt down and glared venomously into his soul. "Treated me well? Treated me well?! you wanna take a look at my back and see just how well you treated me?! Are you that blind?, You used me for your own sick entertainment and honestly? I'm Good for you because i don't give a shit anymore I've moved on, Thank you oh so much for permanently ruining my mental health and scarring me physically. Really I couldn't thank you enough!" he was out of breath by the end of his rant, astaroth grabbed him by his throat and leaned down, placing a bitter kiss on blaise's unwilling lips, biting down hard enough to cause him to bleed.

Constellations / Fred x Blaise  x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now