(6) Final!

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Fred + George POV.

the tv was still playing in the background but the sound was long gone as fred spaced out, laying his back and looking at the ceiling. it was deafening, the silence, made him want to rip everything apart. "you alright?" george prodded, poking his face. "bored, so bored" he ground out dramatically and george sighed at his brother's constant need to be up an moving. "wanna go pester blaise?" 

he grinned and nodded, it had been a hot minute since they messed with the slytherin. the two boys weren't in a joking mood when they saw him all bloodied and bruised, it made their heart sink at how hurt he was. fred trudged behind his brother, ceremoniously pushing the door open and being greeted by blaise laying face-first on the floor. he was swinging his legs in random directions before george tapped him "what're you doing?"

"trying to suffocate myself" he huffed, fred bit back laughter, flopping down next to him. "why?" blaise groaned and rolled around, looking up at george who was stood over him with a smile. "i've never been bored, it feels so horrible"

"never?" fred laughed in disbelief, just how busy was this boys life? he nodded and closed his eyes, sighing. george crouched, flicking him lighty "wanna grab a drink from diagon?" he asked and blaise jumped at the opportunity, fred apparated them after blaise grabbed a cloak.

they were thrown right into the middle of a bustling crowd, surely enough once someone caught a glance of blaise they cleared the way. "come on, there's a really good cafe nearby" he excitedly pulled them through the street by their wrist and led them into a sweet smelling shop, they sat at a table near the window. a tall guy with auburn hair strolled over to take their orders, he kept eyeing blaise and it made both fred and george a bit angry. they got butterbeer, the man jotted everything down and winked at blaise before leaving, he responded with a raised brow and an eye roll and fred bit down a laugh. hilariously, the man didn't see and when he came back he placed three cold cups before them and slipping a napkin underneath blaise's pint and leaving quickly, "the hell was that about" he snickered, pulling  it out.

blaise let out the loudest bark of laughter before hurriedly casting a silencing spell around them. he kept laughing until he could barely breathe "oh merlin this is so stupid" he handed them the napkin and they gaped at it. "write to me, And he even included his address and the name of his owl!" george had to take multiple deep breaths to stop laughing. they continued to make fun of the poor guy before they finished drinking, blaise scribbled down on the napkin and handed it back while he paid.

he quickly slid outside to where fred and george were waiting, giggling at something. "what'd you do?" george smirked, "i told him that i'd rather get electrocuted and drew a picture of me getting hit by lightning on the napkin" he puffed his chest, sassily grinning. 

they strolled around for a while, talking about whatever came to mind. "oh shit, i was supposed to go knockturn today" he cursed, checking the time. "if you still wanna go we can come with" fred offered "mum never lets us go" george added and blaise shrugged "sure, won't hurt. just don't be too loud everyone's jumpy there" they followed him through the darkening alleys. his demeanour suddenly changed from relaxed and energetic to cold and poised. he strolled with an authority they've never seen, people shrunk at his presence and george let out a low whistle to fred and his brother nodded, agreeing to the silent statement.

"here" a dark trail lay ahead, they walked down it and were greeted by millions of cages and traps. it was intimidating to say the least, sounds of howling in the distance, he turned to them before going in "don't call me blaise in here, and whatever you do, do not mention harry" they nodded firmly before he swung the door open. "Pierre! thought you were gonna be a now show today!" a girl covered with a weird dark substance called out from behind the counter, the two exchanged a look of confusion at the name "sorry about that roxanne, lost track of time" he apologised, a bit of his playful aura returning. "that's alright, what can i do for you?" he smirked "got any tracking stones? throw in some of your strongest poison" george gave a concerned look but knowing blaise he was most likely going to throw it in his pocket and never use it.

Constellations / Fred x Blaise  x GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now