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Fred + George Pov.

george shoved ron into the shower and made him rinse off that terrible smell of garlic before the whole house began to smell, he was still amazed at how quickly blaise was able to finish that potion.

"oh hey fred, come here real quick!" harry called out, struggling to open a door, he was about to correct him when blaise beat him to it. "that's george you idiot" he chuckled, harry looked at him apologetically, "sorry george, i always mess it up" he shrugged it off, wondering how the hell the boy was able to tell them apart. he helped harry with the door and went to find fred, his brother sat in the middle of their mischief room. "what're you up to now?" he laughed, seeing the bits of glitter that seemingly exploded in his face. "well i was making trying to make a glitter bomb but it backfired" fred wiped off the blue sparkles and sat up, "you look tired, everything alright?" he could hear the concern in his voice, george always struggled to sleep, especially with the nightmares that plagued him. "im fine, didn't get much sleep as usual" he waved it off and fred let it go, he knew george was irritable when he was sleep-deprived.

he saw a cauldron bubbling in the far corner of the room, "what's that?" he pointed, fred beamed and excitedly pulled him too see it. "blaise made it! it's veritaserum infused fire-whiskey!" he was yet again surprised by his talent for potions, he'd have to ask for the recipe later, george noted.

"speaking of" he began, "i think he can tell us apart" fred gave him a confused glance, grabbing a bottle of soda from hidden fridge, "what do you mean?" he handed george a lemon soda and opened it with a charm. "harry thought i was you and he corrected him before i could even speak" he stated his observation and fred had that look on his face that came when he had an idea. "i think we should test that theory" fred snickered, george agreed. they left the room and strolled around the house waiting for someone to call them. luckily bill called out to george and fred hurriedly went instead, he noticed the weird look on blaise's face but the boy just shrugged it off and went to see what bill wanted.
" could you transfigure this into a hammer? I'm shit at it " bill handed him a mug and he did just that, "thanks george" his brother smiled, using the hammer to hit a few nails into the wall and hang up a portrait. "that's fred though?" blaise piped up, confused. "really?" bill looked at him closely before realizing. "so it is, well, thank's fred" he went back to hammering. this went on all day, george answering to fred and fred answering to george.

"fred! come help your father out of your infernal goo traps!" their mother called out, george went and got his father unstuck, receiving a few more lectures on how dangerous their pranks were. it was absolutely hilarious to see everyone confusing them, blaise correcting them each time until he was just too tired to do so.

fred observed as blaise eyed his brother weirdly, seemingly giving up going to ask them about the mix-up, blaise leaned on the doorway of their room eyeing them suspiciously. "why're you switching yourselves up on purpose?" he asked, fred chuckled, knowing george was right and he was able to tell them apart.

"i think the real question is how do you know who's who?" george asked back, blaise had a look of realization on his face.

"well it's obvious? you've got a rounder face and a lighter voice and fred's got a sharper face and deeper voice, it's quite odd that you're own family doesn't know that" he shrugged, "oh, and next time you wanna switch up. make sure you use a glamour spell because you've got a scar on your ear and fred doesn't" blaise carried himself out with a smirk, going to find harry.

their hearts pounded so deeply you could hear it in a crowd, breath hitching and pupils expanding until only a crescent of colour was left. "well shit. That's a first" george chuckled it was all so confusing, so many thoughts and feeling were taking over their head. they were overwhelmed. Scarlet red covered their face, nipping dangerously at their ears.

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